iPhone And Insanity

Last night I got locked out of my iPhone. I put in the passcode that I I have always used for that phone and it wouldn’t unlock. I tried time and time again but no luck. I did until it locked me out, then I would start punching in the passcode again, until…. Well you know. 

So I decided to google how to unlock the iPhone. It prompted me to do a force restart. 

As directed I hooked it up to my computer and did a force restart that brought me to a “Restore iPhone” page, after it did it’s update it required the passcode to be entered to return to the home screen. I put in my passcode again got locked out. 

So then with not many other options I did a force restart once again, update and brought me back to “Restore iPhone” page. I clicked “Restore iPhone” and again I landed back to the passcode screen. I then would do a force restart, restore iPhone, passcode screen, get locked out. 

I was in stuck in an iPhone recovery loop. 

I followed the directions prompted on google time and time again and ended up at the same place every time.

I was beginning to get very very agitated. I was following step by step instructions, I tried time and time again but got the same results. 


The wise Albert Einstein said this, “The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” 

How often in our lives are we bewildered when try time and time again to do something exactly the same as we always have but are expecting to have a better outcome? 

We get so focused on this one way of doing something that we don’t allow our brain to see any other way. 

We stay in this box, think in this box and never escape the box. 

Our world becomes so small with this thinking. Our lives become miserable. We never escape, never see new results, never see change. Just absolutely exhausted from living on the hamster wheel. Exerting an exuberant amount of energy but not actually going anywhere. 

I know you feel this, I know you’ve been here. 

What about when your trying to lose weight the way you’ve always done it, and you get no change?

What about when your trying to discipline your child the way you’ve always done it, and no alteration in results? 

What about when your trying to get your spending under control, but you fall back to right where you’ve always been? 

Or when you make an effort to improve your marriage but end up back to the same fight you’ve always fought? 

This is the definition of insanity my friends. 

The wonderful Brooke Snow says this, “If you want different results, you must do something different.” 

This was the sentence that changed my life. 

I was living the same day over and over again, miserable, down trodden, exhausted. Hoping and praying a new day would make for a different outcome. 

But nothing changed, because I hadn’t changed. 

To truly see different results we must recognize that we are the creator of our own results. 

To change, we must change. 

We have to get out of this box we’ve trapped ourselves in and open our mind up to seeing things a little differently. Look at something a new way, you will see a new solution. 

(Also, pray for my phone.)


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