Loving What Is

Byron Katie is famous for a new way of thinking. She dives into this truth appreciation and belief that whatever is, is whatever is meant to be. This way of thinking is liberating. 

It allows us to let go of what we think we “Should” control and allows us to just be. To love wholeheartedly whatever thing is in our path, even our challenges, our difficulties, our weaknesses. Or what we at one time or another believed was the problem. 

The problems aren’t really problems after you navigate your thinking in this way. They just “are”. She talks in depth that its not the problem that causes our suffering but the thinking about the problem that causes our own suffering. 

So lets jump into some of our thoughts around our problems. Let’s start first with our marriage. 

We might have thoughts such as, 

If only he payed attention to me. 

If he spent as much time with me as he does with his phone we would be in a different place. 

He should play with our kids. 

He should tell me how he feels. 

He never listens to me. 

We’re not on the same page. 

We don’t do things the same way. 

Where would you be without that thought? 

Those thoughts are what is holding you back from joy. From peace in your life. You spend an exuberant amount of energy carrying these thoughts around thinking that believing them is going to help you solve this problem. 

It couldn’t be farther from the truth. 

Her words exactly “It’s not the problem that causes our suffering; it’s our thinking about the problem.” 


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