Nurses & Feelings

The other day I was at a College Nursing Pinning ceremony and I heard someone say this, I believe she said it was something her grandma always used to say. (Those Grandmas, they are so so wise)

“People won’t remember what you do, People won’t remember what you say, But people will ALWAYS remember how you made them feel.”

I was especially touched by this whole ceremony because it was directed at the wonderful nurses in our community. Nurses are incredibly special people, they have what I like to call “Hearts of Service”. They are motivated by loving people, by helping people and by caring for people.

This is not an occupation that just anyone can do.

I cried through a good portion of it because all I could see was that kind, loving nurse showing up, no matter what, lovingly giving the best care they could regardless of who the patient was, regardless of how much sleep they’ve gotten or how long their shift was. They were there ready to love, ready to give, ready to care.

And although we can’t “make” people feel anything. We sure can create a space for people to feel loved. Really it matters little about what we do and say, but always about how others feel.

And that all comes down to what we think of others.

A good test of this would be if people (strangers) around you were hurting, struggling and needed help. How would you react to them?

When I go anywhere I constantly am “people watching” I love all the people. My husband always shakes his head at me because I am the first person to jump in and help when someone is struggling. (It always embarrasses him- even though he loves to help people too, he’s just not as crazy as me to do it)

And I’ll tell you why. Because it feels good for ME. Yes when I am helping, loving and caring for others, I am the one who benefits from it. I am the one who feels all the love. And love is the greatest feeling one could EVER feel. I like any excuse to feel love, especially for strangers.

And I would hope that I created a space for others to possibly feel love too. But again we can’t MAKE anyone feel anything. They choose to think about what we do and how we do it anyway they want.

They could think “This white girl is weird, why is she trying to help me.” hahah and then they would feel strange. Again, they get to think and feel anything they want. But when I have an opportunity to help and love, I take it.

I take it, for me.

Give me any chance to love people, I’ll take them all.

Even here, on my blog you might not remember ANYTHING I’ve ever said, you might have no idea who I am or what I do. BUT I pray that I’ve created a space for you to FEEL something. Something positive, something helpful, something that produces a change in your life.

Check in with yourself, what are you feeling on a regular basis. What emotions are driving you in your life? What will others remember about you when your gone? What kind of influence will you make?

If you don’t like the answers you have, let’s talk about it. If you love them, keep going momma! But as always, feel the love, any chance you get!


Mom Stop Carrying Everything


Loving Outside of Comfort