Make Your Bed

After having my third child my world seemed to be turned upside down, I was battling with post partum depression, and not always winning. I remember this one particular day as I felt I was at witts end surrounded by three energetic boys and a husband who was carrying his own new stresses and pressures.

I excused myself from the breakfast table and went to my bedroom, locking the door behind me, falling to my knees, not with the intentions to pray but out of pure physical and emotional exhaustion that weighed on me. 

As I kneeled on the floor at the edge of my bed I felt the warm sunshine creep through the windows onto my face and it lit up my tearful eyes. That light on that dark day overcame me and reminded me of the Lords light.

I felt grateful for the sunshine on my face and began to pray thanking God for the sunshine. That one thought of thanksgiving served as a catalyst to a long list of things I was grateful for, especially for my three beautiful sons and my loving husband. 

As I concluded my prayer my attitude had completely changed, I felt peace, I felt joy. 

All from one spark, a thought of thanksgiving.

Since that day I make my bed every morning. 

Even on vacation. 

Or when I’m running late. 

This single act, was the beginning of my efforts in the pattern of consistent habits. 

I make my bed, and say my prayers. I’ve tied those two together for the last four years. 

It came at a time when I had nothing to hold onto. I was struggling for any hope or peace, honestly anything. 

The combination of a consistent effort and a dousing of gratitude was the magical pairing I needed to lift me just enough to make changes. 

It was the start of me pulling myself out of a deep sinking depression that showed me no light. 

It gave me just enough of a reason to get out of bed. 

I started and ended my day praying with a purpose of gratitude. Remembering all that I had in my life, not focusing on my struggles and the blatant lack of things. 

So when all is going wrong in your life, when you feel like you are crumbling and have nothing left to give,

When the pure exhaustion you feel as you continue to push through depression and anxiety’s brings you to your knees. 

Take a moment

Say a prayer 

And make your bed. 


My Village People


Faith And Poop