The Law Of Attraction

What determines if we are attracted to a person or not? 

Our thoughts. 

It’s not some magical “connection” somewhere out in the universe that decides if two people should be together or not. 

This is true because, think about a couple who is no longer together. At one point they were madly attracted to each other, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other….. and now… well… they can’t stand each other. 

This is because of our thoughts, and of course life experiences and cultural belief systems. But ultimately coming down to what we think about the person we are attracted to. 

Let me illustrate an example for you. Think about this dreamy man for a moment, he is tall, dark and handsome,(or whatever your thing is) big arms, big hands, just pure dreamy. But then you see him kick a dog and blow a snot rocket out of his nose….. not so attractive anymore is he? 

Attraction is a choice.

 We choose who we are attracted to. We also choose if we are attracted to our partner or not. We can choose to see all the things we love about our partner, or we begin to find things that aren’t attractive anymore and focus our attention on that. 

Here’s a little exercise for you, think about a physical attribute about your partner that pleases you. Spend some time fantasizing about this aspect of your partner. 

That creates attraction, and desire. 

BUT what normally happens is we are home with our partner seeing EVERYTHING he isn’t doing. We see all of his flaws, we focus on all the things we don’t like and keep finding more and more things we find unattractive. 

And we stay focused on that. 

But mommas, if you want to find yourself in a position where you deeply desire your partner… ALL. THE. TIME. You have to learn how to choose attraction for them. You flood your mind with all the reasons why you chose him in the first place. What you love and adore about that partner of yours. You put your rose colored glasses on and see all the beauty, goodness and desires YOU want to see. Let’s be honest, it’s much more fun when you want your partner. When you can’t wait to put the kids to bed and be together. Yeah, that’s the “living”, the “excitement” that you're missing. But it’s available to you… just got to start choosing attraction. 


Talk To Yourself


“I didn’t have fun Mommy.”