A Guilt Free Mom Life IS Possible

My husband and I are about to embark on our first trip together, wait for it…..without the kids. DUN DUN DUN

Yes, we are getting on an airplane and flying out of the state without our children. Can you believe it? 

We have only been on a plane together one other time. (12 years ago) Supposedly it was our honeymoon. Where did we go you ask. We went to Florida to stay with my Papa. 

So yeah, we haven’t really ever taken a vacation just the two of us. 

You know why? Because the last 12 years I have worried so much about what other people think that I couldn’t bring myself to do it. 

But now it’s different. I don’t worry about what other people might think, what they might feel. I trust myself enough to tell people whether I can do something or not. And so that being the case I feel confident in other peoples ability to do the same. 

I asked my wonderful, supportive loving family if they could help us out with the kids and the dog while we are gone and they said yes. 

And I believed them. So I’m not worried.

I’m grateful. 

I am so grateful and so full of love for my family who is willing to take on my crazy life for 5 days. 

I never thought this side of me existed. I didn’t know this was possible to go on a trip and not feel total debilitating mom guilt and anxiety. 

But here we are. 

A worry, guilt free mom life IS possible. It is possible for YOU! Take a moment to think about that one thing you have always wanted to do but haven’t allowed yourself to even consider it. You wouldn’t consider it because of the never ending criticism and guilt we flood our minds with. Love yourself enough to do something you’ve always wanted to do. And don’t loook back! Just fill your mind with love, gratitude and excitement! (Oh and nervousness, that is bound to come too!)


Living In Neutral


Do Something