Living In Neutral

A story from my teenage years came to my mind this morning. 

As a newly licensed driver at the ripe age of 17 I was on my way to church one day. I had stopped at my sisters house to grab something. I hopped out of the car to run inside and when I came back my car wasn’t there. 

I glanced down the driveway to see that my car (actually my dads car) had rolled down the driveway backwards and ended up in the ditch across the street, with its nose sticking straight up. 

With the help of my brother in law we got the car out of the ditch and I was on my way to church. 

I had the opportunity to speak that day at church and I shared this story. I felt impressed to tell the congregation the similarities in life. 

Like a standard vehicle when we neglect to put it in gear or when we leave our human vessels in neutral, we roll backwards in life. We think its better to just stay where we are but when we do that we risk gaining momentum in the wrong direction. (Even into ditches sometimes!)

We always need to jam our shifter into gear. Even if we stay in first gear for a bit. 

We need momentum forward. We need to give our brains and our body’s the movement they so desire. 

We are human beings with a brain that loves to be challenged, loves differentiating pieces that create a growth mindset and new developments. 

Keep yourself actively engaged in your purpose my friends. Keep moving forward in a positive way. Once you engage and trust yourself you will see your life take off with positive momentum. Remember there will be big bumps, flat tires and unforeseen problems but when you are actively engaged in your purpose your going to take yourself to wonderful new places. 

The congregation got quite a giggle that day when I shared that story over the pulpit and concluded by requesting that they didn’t mention this story to my father. (He happened to not be there that day, pheeewww) 


Light that Spark (in yourself)


A Guilt Free Mom Life IS Possible