Soul-ful Moms’ Reconnection Event

If you are feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and blah from your daily mom life– Then this is night is for you.

Facilitators Brooke Sann, and Intuitive Life Coach Csilla Fee want to invite you to a soul aligning experience for all the soul-ful moms at The Lakehouse in Hinckley, New York.

May 3rd 2024

7-11pm (With overnight lodging available upon request)

“I asked myself, How many times have I denied my innermost wisdom and silenced this voice? How many times can a woman betray her sou before it gives up and ceases calling to her at all?”

Sue Monk Kidd

Magnify your magic for:

  • Play

    Commit to fun or it doesn’t happen. Tap into your inner child and intuition so you can be playful, fun, and spicy.

  • Passion

    Stoke that inner fire to bun hot and bright. Create intense passion in your life and your marriage.

  • Presence

    No guilt, no resentment, no anxiety. Learning how to live in each moment just one moment more to breathe in and be present in your life.

  • Power

    Stepping into your FULL self, learning how to access your divine power so you can show up as your whole self.

“I am committed to my marriage, my children, my career, my health, and my faith. I’m overwhelmed trying to maintain balance and keep everyone happy.”

Do any of the following describe your situation right now, today?

  • You feel a little blah– things are fine, everything is fine, you’re fine… but you’re getting kinda bored of fine. You want to wake up in the morning thrilled about your existence. And if not thrilled, at least highly entertained. And if not highly entertained, at least not stressed and annoyed.

  • You’re frustrated because well-meaning friends and family tell you “you just can’t have it all” and you feel like you have to sacrifice something that is really important to you in order to succeed. You know they can have their opinions, but you sometimes wonder if you’re dreaming too big.

  • You really want to keep your home clean and provide a beautiful, comfortable nest for your family (because you love those guys!! A LOT!), but you’re often overwhelmed and lonely when it’s time to make another meal… again… 

  • You take it upon yourself to make sure that your husband is never cranky, and you strive to protect his happiness by doing more… more time, more smiling, more asking good questions, more positive listening, more date nights.

  • Your kids are super rad, but you feel a sense of panic when you take them out in public (or around the in laws) because if they’re loud (or tantruming) everyone gives YOU the side-eye. This comes out as resentment in your marriage– why is all of this your job, your fault, your thing to manage?!

  • You feel compelled to contribute financially to the home because you have big dreams, and you love your people. You want to make their lives better, easier, and more fun. You want your husband to be able to relax. But your stress is climbing and you don’t know how to say no without being rude.

  • You’re confused because while you like your life, and you have checked the “adulting well” boxes, you don’t feel good. You don’t feel awful, but your inner spark feels like it’s fading, and you can’t figure out why. 

If these symptoms hit close to home, you're not alone!

We’re here to help you transform your overwhelmed, burnt out and blah daily mom life to feeling connected, aligned, grounded to YOU!

If You’re Feeling Bland, It’s Because You’re a Liar. (JK- kinda…)

True connection with your self comes from telling the radical truth.

Sometimes we let the world, the social conditioning, the thoughts and opinions of our family, spouse, and friends dictate what we believe about ourself and our life. In essence we LIE to ourself. We learn to ignore, to push aside, to suffocate our true thoughts and feelings. Our intuition. That’s why we feel so disconnected in our life. We are just a walking reaction to the life around us. We don’t decide for ourself what we want, we let the world and the people in it decide for us. But here is the truth: Deep connection comes from being willing to be radically honest.

And if you don’t know yourself, honesty is really, really hard. 

The more vulnerable and open we are, the more connection we feel. 

The more space we take up, the more connection we feel.

The more cinnamon you put on your applesauce, the better it is. These are all facts.

And right now you feel disconnected because you’re not telling the truth. Not because you’re being deceitful, but because you’re disconnected. 

If you’re feeling disconnected in your marriage, it’s because you’re disconnected from yourself. 

Likely, you’re secretly (sometimes even subconsciously!) striving for neutrals, flexibility, and being realllllll nice.

My friend, my sister, my girl— for all the nobleness and good intentions of these choices to people please and play it safe, THAT IS BORING.  And that is disconnecting.

“Passion comes from feeling really safe with ourselves.” -Brooke

What you can expect:

  • Live Meditation

  • Hour long workshop on Reconnection with Self

  • Live Coaching

  • Charcuterie featuring our local foodies Ana Sofer from She Fancy

  • Connection with local moms, and the fierce community that comes with it

  • Bring your swim suit for some time in the hot tub or maybe a cold plunge!

  • Enjoy some fun mock tails created by She Fancy

All of this for $97 presale tickets or $117 at the door. And tickets are limited! (Only 20)

Oh did I mention there is overnight stay available for $197 for queen bed, or $297 for King full suite room. Grab your mom, your sister, your girlfriend for a fun girls weekend! (*Limited Availability*) With morning continental breakfast, light meditation and casual yoga, put on by Intuitive Life Coach Csilla Fee.

It’s time to connect to YOU.

It’s time to feel CENTERED.

It’s time to have some fun and live your best life.

Are you ready?

You will enjoy the night with many giveaways, like journals, food, mock tails, hot tub time, fireside chats, relaxing in the amenities, pens, local chocolates, pillows, and maybe even a little dancing, who knows!

Meet the Facilitators

  • Brooke Sann


    Brooke is a marriage and life coach who has dedicated her practice to studying relationships, connection, and passion. Brooke believes that every woman has talents and gifts that are uniquely designed for them and divinely placed. Helping women tap into their intuition so they can live a FULLfilling life, and learn to bring their whole and colorful selves to their lives.

    As a recovering people pleaser and validation seeker she is passionate about truly taping into self worth and innerchild work as she continues to create radical connections in her relationships.

    The Sann Clan lives in an ol’ farmhouse at the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York raising four barefoot children, three boys and one baby girl. She loves to spend her days canning, soup creating, and taking walks in the woods with her gang and her coon hound Bella. Brooke loves to stay up to the wee hours of the night having soul searching heart to hearts with her hunky hunny. When greeting and meeting new people she skips all the small talk and dives into deep, powerful, emotional, and raw conversations, knitting her heart with others.

  • Csilla Fee

    Csilla Fee


    Csilla is passionate about living life with intention. She had cancer as a young adult and knew from the very beginning that there was more to healing after remission. Through her journey she has inspired people worldwide to add joy and possibility back into each day and get them more engaged and enjoy living again.

    Using a somatic approach, she helps people let go of what no longer serves them and teaches them to intuitively connect with their deepest desires. She believes that people are conditioned to believe their limits and designed to transcend them. She has proven that it doesn’t matter what your diagnosis, personal experience, or the stories you have about your past, if you have the desire to simply feel better you can step into the next version of you, and the world will always be a better place for it.

    She lives in Canada with her husband and two amazing kids, loves to travel, do yoga, ski in the winter, paddle board in the summer, and help others find what lights them up.

If you are looking for a transformational experience then this night is for you!


Who will be there?

Moms. Young moms, moms of teenagers, empty nesters and maybe a few grandmas who knows.

Is there overnight lodging available?

Yes. You and your girlfriend want to make it a mothers day gift to yourself, do it! $197 for the private queen room, or $297 for the full king suite with attached private bathroom. (Just coordinate with your girlfriend if you want to split it) Cheap getaway!

Check out 10 am the next morning. Overnight guests are provided a light continental breakfast, morning meditation and some casual yoga.

What should I wear?

Date night dress. Or if your feeling fancy wear a fun sundress. Or if you want to just chill wear those yoga pants girl! Just no birthday suits to this girls night out!

What should I bring?

Bring yourself, bring your girlfriend, and if hot tubbing sounds fun bring your swim suit and a towel. If thats a turn off.. leave it home and just come and relax with us!

What if I want to bring a friend or sister?

Do it! Don’t forget you can share a room for a cheap getaway. Or come alone and leave with new soul-sistas! The connection and community we will create together will be unforgettable!

How many people will be there?

We are looking to create an intimate experience and limiting it to 20.

What is the address?

Cookingham Road Remsen, New York 13438.