Feelings On Weight

You know what scientists define as weight? The gravitational pull on a mass. 

You know what we define as weight? 

Our happiness. 

Our ability to feel sexy. 

Our worth. 

Our restrictions. 


Yes, we allow the gravitational pull on our bodies, define us. 

How can this be? 

Well I’m no expert how this came to be, all I know is for a woman to love herself she needs to unlearn this belief. 

Our weight, the numerical reading based on the gravitational pull of our mass does NOT determine how we feel. 

Why do we put so much weight on our weight? Haha that felt like a good one. 

But it’s true! We put so much emphasis on what that number reads on the scale. If there is a lower number, we feel happier? If it’s a higher number we feel down. 

Numbers are neutral. 

They don’t MAKE US feel anything. 

What makes us feel is our thoughts. The thoughts, the stories we write about the number on the scale is what determines how we feel. 

We can learn to let go of unserving thoughts and stories. We can begin to write new ones, that DO serve us. 

The story of us loving our body, right where it is. Because NOTHING has to change for us to LOVE our body. 

I’m going to say it again, nothing has to change, not a smaller stomach, or bigger boobs, or thighs that touch, none of that has to be, none of that has to change for you to love yourself. 

I know this is true because when you go to the beach and see all the people walking around in their swim suits you can see something so clearly. 

There are teenie tiny women, with big boobs, and abs, and all the things one may deem as attractive, and guess what she doesn’t love her body. 

There can be big women, with small boobs, and no abs, and she can absolutely love her body, and be confident and comfortable in her own skin. 

The size of our body, the gravitational pull on our mass (aka weight), our boob size, our shoe size…. NONE of it determines how we feel about ourself. 

What determines how we feel about ourself, is our thoughts. 

We’ve got it all backwards, we think that we have to change ourself, change our body to feel good about ourself. 

The truth is the only thing we have to change is our thoughts about our body. 

No matter if you lose all the weight, get all the surgeries and boob jobs and whatever else, that will NOT determine how you feel. 

I promise. 

For you to love yourself, feel comfortable in your own skin, for you to feel secure, confident and compassionate you must begin to create awareness of these unserving thoughts. 

I am the expert in this field, I pride myself on helping women learn to love themself again (without changing anything). BUUUTTT I will tell you as soon as we begin to love ourself, the weight just falls off of us. We learn to take care of ourself better. To put foods in our body that feel good, that nourish us. We quiet our mind and our body and learn to move our body in a way that serves both our mind and our body. We learn to love every wrinkle, every crevasse, and we take that body of ours to go out and do exactly what we’ve always wanted to do. We become unstoppable. We feel confident, secure and sexy. Ready to let the unserving stories go, to become free from it all so we can live the life we’ve always dreamed of living. 


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Complaining Creations