Complaining Creations

When I was at my lowest low I only saw one thing to do. 


I’m not sure if I thought that was going to solve my problems. No actually I know it wasn’t. But I just didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t think I had a choice in my circumstances, and I NEVER knew I had any choice in how I was thinking. 

So it just left me sitting around complaining about everything. 

I would call my sister and just go on and on and on about the kids, the house, how everything in my life was going wrong. 

I would crave to feel validated, to felt understood, that someone was listening to me. 

What that was providing for myself was connection. 

My sister and I would both “vent” to each other about how terrible, awful, horrible the things in our life were. 

I would feel a little better at the end of the conversation. But it never provided any substantial solution, or change for that matter. 

In many ways it just made things worse. 

I would find MORE and MORE and MORE evidence of how everything was going wrong. 

I would even send pictures of spilt cheerios, and huge messes the kids made. Or the naughty thing that kids did. 

It was making me feel more and more crazy honestly. 

“Complaining is a complete waste of one's energy. Those who complain the most accomplish the least.” - Robert Tew 

Complaining has a victim mentality, while appreciation has an accountability mentality.  With an accountability mentality you have the ability to respond to your circumstances and change the outcome. Where the victim mentality is powerless, the only thing they do to exert energy is to complain about the circumstances. 

So insert circumstance here_______________. It could be a lost job, a sick child, a divorce, a strain in a relationship whatever it may be. 

We have two choices. 

  1. Complain, become the victim, exert energy by talking in a useless and negative way. 


2. Appreciate, become accountable for the way you respond to said circumstance, using same energy to create a positive change in your life. 

When we have gratitude, it sparks a light inside of us. That little burst of positive energy can start a fire of appreciation, goodness, and hope. Where we see all of the wonderful blessings in our lives, we see and appreciate the things and people that we do have. 

Because I love to simplify everything, if I could sum up this whole blog in a sentence….

Complaining with bring you down; Gratitude will lift you up. - Tony Dungy


Feelings On Weight


Waiting For That Wedding Ring