Puke And Gratitude

Last night my husband and I and our 8 year old son were on our way to dinner and do some shopping together for a date night. (We always make a priority of having one on one time with each one of our sons. )

While driving my son said, ‘Mom, I don’t feel too good.’ We quickly pull over to the side of a busy road and my husband helps him out of the car to find a nice spot on the side of the road to throw up. 

I’m grateful he didn’t throw up in the car, and the timing worked out where he threw up before we got to the restaurant. (Ugh, I can’t even imagine)

We nixed the idea of going out to dinner and my husband said you might as well get the things you came for while we are down here. So I ran into the mall to grab a couple of things. 

I’m grateful for a thoughtful husband who always is thinking of others even under stressful circumstances. 

We start heading home to pick up my younger boys from their grandparents house. My husband runs inside to grab them and he comes out with my middle son white as a ghost holding a old buffalo bills popcorn container as his puke bucket. 

I’m grateful for my in-laws that were willing to watch my boys. I’m also grateful that my 6 year old was polite enough to not throw up on their watch. 

It was about 9pm and we decided to let the kids stay up and watch a show together for a bit to see how the kids faired with their gurgley bellies. There they were all were sitting on the couch with their buckets and bowls resting in their laps. 

I ran down to the store to grab some Gatorade and Ice Cream (For me). I came back and heard some uncomfortable noises coming from the bathroom AND the living room. 

I’m grateful my oldest son is versed enough in throwing up he is able to make it to the bathroom. I am also grateful that my middle son knows how to throw up in a Buffalo Bills popcorn bucket. 

After some time we sent them to bed, with their companion bucket in hand. 

The next part is a bit of a blur. I just remember multiple kids simultaneously throwing up in the wee hours of the night. (Even the caboose child)

But more and more thoughts of gratitude came. 

Grateful for lots of extra blankets

Grateful for washing machines

Grateful to have a supportive, nurturing husband 

Grateful for mattress protectors 

Grateful for the opportunity to care for my kids

Grateful it wasn’t a school day or work day

Grateful that we had the whole day to play outside while the weather was wonderful

Grateful they all got sick in the same time so it didn’t drag on

Grateful that I am well and could take care of them. 

I had a bit of awakening in the middle of the night when I was tending to sick children, cleaning bedding and washing out puke buckets. 

I wasn’t upset. 

I wasn’t stressed. 

I wasn’t frustrated. 

I was totally content and grateful regardless of puking children everywhere. 

This is the place I love to be. 

In circumstances that we often think about as being “stressful” or “worst case scenarios” we can focus on being grateful. When we have our gratitude glasses on we can focus on the things we do have. This helps us endure and make our way through these blurry momma nights and the MANY more that are to come.


When My Child Wastes


Love With Boundaries