
One of my favorite scriptures is in Ruth. “Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whiter thou goest, I will go; and where thou longest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:” Ruth 1:16

This story gives me goose bumps. It is the story of Ruth in the Bible. Her husband had passed away and Naomi her mother in law loved her so much that she wanted her to have an opportunity to find a new husband and Naomi encouraged Ruth to leave her so she could find a new husband.

But the above scripture was her reply. Ruth showed an insane amount of loyalty to her mother in law. She wanted to be with her, watch over her and stay connected.

That devotion and concern for others. A beautiful characteristic of so many but I want to draw attention to the loyalty of a woman.

I’ve talked about this a little in previous blog posts but I want to retouch on it. Women have been shackled by their very nature because we are seen as weak and meek because of our tendency to be loyal, devoted and true.

But this is where I want to shine. I love my tendencies. I know they are by design. That as women we need to use them to our advantage. To show our family, friends and especially our partner our amazing ability to be loyal and true.

To hold onto the very things that we were created to do.

Pain comes from being true to who we are and the ones we love not being loyal to us.

But loyalty and devotion is who we are. Even if someone was to promise me, that you definitely will be hurt by this person. I would still choose to be loyal and devoted on my end. BECAUSE it feels amazing for me, it is who I am, choosing loyalty is choosing to be who I want to be, regardless of the circumstances.


What My Hair Has Taught Me


Squashed Under Overwhelm