What My Hair Has Taught Me

My hair has a story. My hair is a representation of what has happened inside of me. (If you think is weird, stop now)

I’m a hairdresser, I’m really good at making hair look beautiful. I’ve always been able to make my hair look pretty good. I would straighten it, curl it, pin it up or pin it half up and half down. 

It looked pretty good most of the time. 

But since I’ve gone through countless hours of coaching and change my hair has changed. I stoped trying to make my hair look like everybody else’s, and something amazing happened. 

My hair was unique, wild and wonderful. 

It sure is different. No one else wears their hair the way I wear it, but who cares. As soon as I let go of what I thought my hair should “look” like it became the best it’s ever been. 

Is this weird that I’m using my hair to make a point? Even if you say yes, I’m going to continue. 

So here’s the parallel. 

When we spend countless hours trying to make our selves into something we believe “should” be, we are robbing ourselves the opportunity to embrace what is unique and individual to us. 

Have you ever seen this at the mall? I will see groups of teenagers looking exactly the same. They all wear the same brand shoes, the same style clothes, they even have the same exact hairstyle. 


But why? I’ll tell you. Our brains have been designed to desire to be part of a group or tribe. If you think back to caveman times, connection was essential to survival. The idea of not being part of the group, that is detrimental to our survival. 

THAT my friends, that is why we try to be like everybody else. That is why we try to get everyone to like us. It is part of our primal nature. That sense of connection weighs on us. 

But let me tell you this, it is NOT essential anymore. We will not be shunned for looking different. It is our greatest pleasure to become the most unique version of ourselves. 

Let yourself explore that. Allow yourself to find out who that actually is. Become more of yourself. Lead yourself through this life, with YOU at the head. The more you become the individual you are designed to become the more you shine, help and glow. Let your uniqueness shine, be different and love it.

If my hair has taught me anything it’s this, “love what is unique about yourself, and the joy will follow.”


I Don’t Really Play With My Kids

