I Don’t Really Play With My Kids

Yeah, it’s true. 

For some reason (culturally I believe) we’ve told ourselves “a good mom” plays with her kids. 


I don’t really. And I sure don’t enjoy it. Unless it’s legos, I love legos. 

But really it’s NOT our job to play with our kids. It’s our job to love them, offer them help and hold them accountable. 

We spend WAY too much time with our children. And I’ll tell you what happens when we do. Our kids can’t explore, they can’t make mistakes, And they sure aren’t becoming more of themselves. They are becoming more of what we think they should be. 

If you think back to our ancestors. A time when survival was our first priority. A woman was tasked with hunting and gathering. We would spend the majority of our time finding food, preparing it, and all the tasks that come with it. 

The children would be left on their own, with little or no overseeing. 

Here’s the truth, when my children are within my reach I feel this desire to micromanage them. To tell them what to do, or more importantly what NOT to do. 

But when they go outside they are free, they are kids. They make messes, they make mistakes, they learn, they grow. 

Then Mom is there to help, teach, and love. 

That is the kind of mom I am. 

I am not the kind of mom who sits on the floor and plays with my kids. I LOVE my kids, I adore them. But I don’t play with them. 

And I’ve decided that’s okay. 

I love to play catch with them, I love to bake with them, and teach them something new (most of the time). 

But I just don’t really play with them. 

If that’s you too, you’re in good company my friend. Let’s address the shame and guilt that has plagued you for too long over this matter. Let me give you some advice. Let. It. Go. Yes, let it be gone. WE get to determine what makes a good mom. Why have you buried yourself in expectations of what that looks like? I’ve decided a good mom feeds her children and loves them. I’ve decided a good mom makes lots of mistakes, LOTS of mistakes, and keeps trying. That’s me, That’s you. We got this. Let’s go!


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