Husband Cleans Bathroom

Let me tell you a little bit about what happens when you do thought work. Magical things happen. Things like your husband cleans the bathroom without being asked, or without a full blown, blow out fight. 

Yes, it’s true. 

Let me tell you how this came to be. I’ve had this ‘ I don’t do anything I don’t want to do attitude’ for the last hmmmm maybe 6 months to a year. And with that, my house has gotten gross. 

Yup. It’s true. 

I’ll tell you why. Because I have so many things I LOVE to do right now. Things I’m super excited about because I broke apart this idea that my worth is tied in what my house looks like. Yeah, I used to think my “job”, my duty and responsibility each and every day was to keep a clean home. 

Well guess what, that’s hell. Yes, that is the most miserable, terrible thought ever. I am worth soooooooooo much more than keeping a clean home. 

And guess what even if I clean my house, within 2.3 seconds it’s filthy again, and then what happens? I yell at my kids, I’m so annoyed when they make a mess because again, my worth is tied up in how the house looks. Therefore that makes me the most miserable mom ever because I have high expectations for what the house looks like, and once again puts me in a position where I CANNOT love my kids because I have squashed out that opportunity with creating expectations that they shouldn’t mess up the house. 

Yeah, it’s a whole thing. But anyways, I have become so excited about my life coaching business, enjoying my children, playing in the garden, walking my dog in the woods that the house is the absolute LAST thing on my list. 

Which is so funny, because before all of this I thought that was my tip top most highest priority item. 

Well anyway, I began to not pay any attention to it. Because it just didn’t bother me anymore. I was happy to walk right past all the messes to go do something I enjoyed. And I wasn’t like sitting back with anger thinking ‘ I wonder how long it will take my husband to clean it up’. 

No no no. Truly. None of that ever crossed my mind. I just focused on the things that spark something in me. I developed an amazing understanding of my worth. That I am 100% worthy No. Matter. What. My value is not dependent on things outside of me. Not my looks, my clothes, my house, my car or my kids. 

Knowing this, freed me. It allowed me to explore myself. To take the hours and hours I used to clean for to ENJOY my life. To continue to develop myself. 

Shout out to my husband too, he has supported me through all my crazy. He refers to this version of me as “new Brooke” which I laugh at every time he says it. One time I hmmm how do I say? Fell back into old habits. I was yelling at him, my kids, nit picking everything they do and I pointed my finger at him and he stopped and said “woah, woah, woah, I’m with NEW Brooke now.” Hahah He always makes me laugh. 

But I digress. He lovingly cleaned the bathroom because HE wanted to. It was bothering him so he toook care of it. And guess what he wasn’t mad, and I didn’t feel guilty. Something amazing happens when we just start showing up at ourself, when we learn to be true to ourself, when we love ourself enough to just BE. 

If you haven’t had these experiences I encourage you to try. Do the work, learn to love yourself so you can hold space, be true to yourself and your family and be freeeeeeee! 


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