My Life Is Not My Own
I remember when I had my first baby. After months of carrying this child, feeling discomfort, giving birth, and nursing a child… I thought….
My body is not my own.
It is a means to bring life into this world, it is a means to produce food for a helpless child, and provide pleasure to my husband.
I felt helpless, detached, and numb.
I heard someone say recently, “My life is not my own.”
I was a bit taken back by that.
I remember that thought process I had with my body. I just felt like I was walking around but not really living. I was unintentional with my vessel that carries my soul.
And this woman I spoke with believed this same concept about her own life. She walks around as a spectator to her life. She does everything for everyone but creates no passion, no purpose no intentions with the time that she has been given.
Have we not all felt that at times?
What I want to offer you is this:
When you believe that your life is not your own. You show up as your life being someone elses, for other people.
You don’t create any space for yourself to create joy, love, purpose and reason.
Your just “surviving”.
To truly thrive in life we must stop being the victim and take total ownership over our life (and our bodies while were at it). Live on purpose. Decide with reason. Use your time to align your life with your purpose. Take time to ponder, to wonder and dream.
Create passion, create fun, generate love and creativity with the time that you have.
Your life IS yours, and yours alone.
That does not mean that we don’t want to spend our time serving, and helping the people around us.
Help the people you love understanding that maybe THAT is part of your purpose. That you have the honor to serve, love and care for others. But ALWAYS check in with yourself, always make sure that you are coming from a clean space. That you are aligning your values and purpose with the time you have here on earth.
Take ownership over this life. Create a life with purpose, joy and reason. Stop being a spectator.