Relationship Renovation

Anytime you’re doing a Reno (Renovation), it starts with analysis, evaluation and planning.

I see relationships pretty often in the analysis stage. Looks a lot like the criticism stage. A lot of realizations of what’s working and isn’t working in the space.

Then we take a look at the foundation this relationship is sitting on and we see some big cracks in the foundation that needs to be addressed.

The one that get’s over looked pretty often is this,

Speaking Our Truth.

You’ve heard me say this before but it needs to be said a million and one more times.

You think that for your partners to love you, you have to go along with everything they say or do.  You have this idea that you’re being “mean” if you tell your person “no”.

Take a moment to ask yourself why that is.

You think that because you don’t know how to speak your truth (with LOVE) and be okay with it.

When you “go along” with what your partner wants all the time you’re making yourself miserable.

You’re trying to appease him because you have a belief that’s what we do in a relationship. It couldn’t be farther from the truth.

You have to be honest with yourself, ALWAYS. Do you even know what you want? Sometimes you are just so focused on the fact that you don’t get to do what you want, but truly do you even know?

I’m just convinced I can’t.

So first step is,

Know your truth.


Speak your truth (with love).

To know your truth you have to know yourself. That is the fun part.

The greater relationship we have with ourself, the more powerful, passionate, deep relationship we can have with our partner.

When you are lacking that personal connection with yourself, you are seeking the things you are missing from your partner. That’s a dangerous, unhealthy path (that we all take at one point or another).

Get to know yourself, learn to love yourself, so you can show up in your relationship with honesty, certainty and love. That is when magic happens in relationships. That is when true love and compassion can breed and grow. Build a relationship with a strong foundation of truth, clarity, kindness and love. You got this momma, and I’m here for it.

P.S.The best way to get started in your relationship renovation is for a FREE relationship evaluation call with me! Fill out this quick form HERE so we can get started.




Faith & Hunks Of Meat