Faith & Hunks Of Meat

What is the advantage of leaning into fear?

I really can’t think of too many. There’s one, blaring one, i’ll share later on.

When we focus on fear it keeps us stuck. It keeps us spinning our wheels exerting energy, but with out any traction.

Fear protects us. It has a purpose,  for sure. Fear, well all emotions really were created for our benefit. Designed to drive us to stay safe. BUT when we emphasize fear and not faith we are forgetting our divine nature.

We are humans, we can think on a higher level. As my brother lovingly reminds me, ‘we’re just big walking hunks of meat without our spirituality.’

We have an innate desire to have beliefs, purpose and choices.

We were designed to have choices too. That is another reason why faith and fear exists.

We have the opportunity to CHOOSE, it gives our higher brain the ability to think for itself. To stretch itself enough to risk being wrong.

Choices give us the opportunity to think and “do” to become more human, to deepen our spiritual capacity.

If we can understand at a very basic level why faith and fear exists it opens up our ability to believe in a more meaningful way.

Ask yourself, ‘why would I choose fear?’ What is the advantage?

The blaring answer I see is this, it protects you from being wrong. Fear keeps us safe. Fear keeps us from believing in something, anything really.

Okay, we like to be safe. But we are missing out on something greater. To have faith, to have a surrounding belief that guides you through your life.

THAT is worth all the risk.

My faith is my greatest treasure. It keeps me grounded. It keeps me moving. It motivates me to do good, to be better, to love deeper, to overcome to “Become”.

Faith is my fuel for “becoming”. It gives me that energy to stretch myself, to take risk, to step forward with this momentum that feels challenging but powerful. Lean into it. Let it guide you. Notice the fear, give it a nod. Fear has purpose too, but it doesn’t motivate you to BECOME your greatest self. Spend your energy focusing on your faith, cultivate it, increase it, water it and let it grow. It’s there, It always will be there (because we aren’t just piles of meat, we are spiritual creatures).


Relationship Renovation


Divine Discontent