Divine Discontent

Neal A. Maxwell talked in depth about this concept.

Divine Discontent comes when we compare “what we are to what we have the power to become”.

Also known as:

The Human Void (Brooke Castillo)

The Missing Piece


The emptiness

Or my favorite version, Divine Discontent.

‘Each of us, if we are honest, feels a gap between where and who we are, and where and who we want to become. ‘ A quote from Michelle D. Craig.

No matter what, we will ALWAYS feel a little gap in our souls. It is meant to be there. If we were “full” or “complete” there would be no inner desire for us to grow, change or develop.

We all desire for greater personal capacity. We want to welcome in this feeling and know that it is divine. We were designed to have an emptiness in us, acknowledge it, let it in and let it drive you to act. Let it drive you to do more. To be more.

It is NOT, and I repeat, It is NOT designed to discourage us. To make us feel “less than”. If we lean into this idea that it “shouldn’t be there” we will fall into a deep dark space.

This designed discontent can be come divine and lead us to our highest self. Or it can become destructive and take us to our lowest self.

It’s there. There is no denying it. It will always be there.

Every time I get to my next “stage” in my life. When I meet one my big goals, or have another child, or hit a financial goals I always think, “This! This is going to be when I feel complete.”

And guess what, it never comes. Maybe for a moment in time, all feels right. But there is always this little missing piece in my life. I have learned to embrace it, allow it, even welcome it in.

It is part of our existence. But let me remind you this idea that, “being more does not equate to doing more.” -Michelle D. Craig

There is so much peace that has come from knowing this. It allows me to just “be”. It allows me to have compassion for myself and meet myself right where I am, emptiness and all.

It also confirms my strong belief that we are here to struggle, to grow, to help others and becomes the best version of ourself. Through our human experience here on earth, through welcoming in this divine discontent we continue to fulfill our purpose. Our individualized purpose is beautifully, uniquely, authentically designed for us alone.

We all have a different story to tell. We all have a different purpose to fulfill. Recognize that divine discontent, let it drive your desire to act, to change and grow. Use it to your advantage, don’t let it take you down momma.


Faith & Hunks Of Meat


Anxious & Exhausted