Anxious & Exhausted

Anxiety drives us to live a life we don’t always love living.

When we are anxious we make decisions from a place of fear. We find ourselves missing out on things, or better yet keeping our kids from things because of this fear we have.

We exert an insane amount of energy just worrying.

Worry, although feels useful to us mommas. It’s not.

Worry, really serves no purpose.

It is designed to “keep us in the cave”. Worry wants us, and our family to run and hide in the cave so we can’t ever be hurt physically or emotionally.

It likes to think about every single thing that could ever go wrong. It likes to pre-determine it, and sometimes we even manifest it because we fear it so very much.

Anxiety keeps us stuck. Our brain loves to indulge in anxiety. It’s super comfortable for our brain to be there.

Anxiety makes it hard for us to travel,

To try new things

To have fun.

To laugh.

To relax.

To let our kids be kids.

Instead we want to physically change the external circumstances so there is nothing to fear.

That’s why we run around like crazy people trying to protect ourselves and our family from something going ‘wrong’.

Aren’t you sick of living like that?

Aren’t you tired?

What if I told you that you could be free from all of that? Yes. You absolutely can. Well I retract that statement because we can’t be free from “ALL” of any emotion. Life is absolutely 50/50 but if you are here reading this blog about anxiety it’s because your life might be a little top heavy with anxiety.

It is possible for you to live your life (with some anxiety) and love it. To feel in control again, to not let anxiety run your life. To be intentional with your time. To do things you WANT to do opposed to doing things you feel like you HAVE to do. Bring me your brains, I’ll give you some relief. Love you mommas, you amaze me. Every. Single Day.


Divine Discontent


Yelling Momentum