Stewardship Over Your Happiness
Who have you awarded stewardship over your happiness?
Maybe your husband. (If he would show me more love, if he would support me more, that’s all I’m asking for)
And your boss at work. (I just want them to appreciate all the things i’m doing, or just notice me)
And you know the reason you're unhappy is because your children don’t even listen to you. (If they would just listen the first time, they just don’t listen!)
So yeah, you believe they are in charge of your happiness too.
And don’t forget about all those things that happened to you as a child. That your parents didn’t give you. (I never got the love I needed, they were abusive)
As we delegate our emotions to other people past and present you leave yourself powerless. You are dependent on other people to feel different things.
(Then comes control. We try to control the people we’ve delegated our emotions too so we can create safety for ourself- or better yet try to completely cut off all ties with these people)
We could go on and on thinking about all the people that have made us unhappy in our life.
But what if I told you that no one can MAKE you feel anything. It’s true.
It is an absolute scientific fact that our thoughts create our emotions (feelings).
So it is NOT what the people around us do or don’t do that makes us happy or sad.
But it is our thoughts about what the people around us do that makes us feel things. You have absolute 100 percent control over what you feel. You are in charge of your own emotions.
I’m going to say it again…
You are responsible for your happiness.
You are NOT responsible for your husband's happiness.
Understanding this truth to its core is liberating.
You are free.
You are free to feel whatever you want to feel. You are not dependent on other people. You can create your own safety, security and inner happiness.
And when you do you can show up to your spouse, your children and yourself with love, passion, compassion and power.