The Lie of ‘I don’t know’

This is my go to thought. This is the one I hide behind. 

“I don’t know” is normally a lie. It’s what we say when we are too scared to make a mistake or fail. 

We always know. But our brain likes to keep us confused so we don’t progress and possibly make a mistake. 

This is a great time to remind you what that lower caveman brain of ours likes to do. Do you remember? 

Avoid Pain

Seek Pleasure 

Preserve Energy

Our caveman brain that has kept our ancestors alive for thousands of years is really good at this. It’s so good at it that even though we are not in physichal danger and hiding from lions and tigers it still wants us to stay in the cave. My brain in particular has developed an amazing ability to “not know”. 

Not knowing is what keeps me in my cave of life. 

When you don’t know what career path to take, you don’t choose and live with your parents so you “don’t make a mistake”. 

When you don’t know how to parent, we disconnect from it and find ourselves eating lots of chocolate and ice cream. 

When we don’t know if we should build on, or buy a new house we never make a decision and stay right where we are. 

Not knowing is NOT serving you. It’s keeping you stuck. It slows down any progress you could potentially make. It stops your momentum, then ultimately we start moving backwards. 

The truth is, my clients always look at me crazy when I say this. But… 

There is no wrong choice. (Okay, as long as it is not emotionally, and physically harmful to yourself or others) 

You make a choice, and then you make it the right choice. 

You flood your mind with all the reasons why THAT is the right choice for you. 

You don’t look back, you trust yourself, you move forward with this energy that no matter what comes we are going to have our own back and figure it out. 

That is the driving force to success in this life. Knowing, Trusting and Loving yourself enough to take ‘I don’t know’ out of your vocabulary. 

You do know. 

You have to be brave enough to act on it. 


Preserve The Relationship


A Childs Pattern of Growth