We Change To Be Liked
When your focus is on making other people happy, you eventually find yourself miserable.
You have spent most of your life believing that if we are well liked, we are worthy of being liked.
If people like us, we are worth more.
If we are accepted by others, it feels good.
We’ve been programmed, conditioned and culturally bombarded that we should we well liked. We should be likable. We believe if people like us we must be likable.
But what I want to offer you is that by believing that you are determining your worth, your value by others ability to see the positive.
That leaves you powerless and simply isn’t true. If someone likes you then its about THEM and their ability to see the positives in you. It doesn’t say anything about you.
On the flip side if someone doesn’t like you it's about THEM and their inability to see the positive. It doesn’t say anything about you.
When we “need” other people to validate us it doesn’t leave us any space for us to decide to like yourself. We just constantly are trying to change to be liked. I call it putting on different hats.
When we are with one person we have this hat, another person a different hat. Constantly changing to “fit in” when true happiness comes from when we learn to love yourself and BELONG so we can be around anyone, anywhere and still feel like we belong.
That is the work I do with my clients. I help YOU build such a strong understanding of who you are, that you can be around anyone anywhere and provide yourself with self validation.
You learn to check in with yourself, give yourself what you need. That way you don’t seek it from others. As soon as you learn that you are free from this constant inner desire to make others around you happy.
You learn how to love yourself, therefore you are happy no matter what. You become emotionally independent, free from decades of people pleasing and misery.