When We Feel Small

I had the honor of being featured in the Come Follow Me App yesterday.

One of the highlights was this, “God can help us do great work, even when we feel small-maybe even especially when we feel small.”

There are countless times in our lives when we feel insignificant. When we feel like we have little value or worth. We want to remember that this is meant to be. I know that sounds terrible. I talked in depth about this concept in my blog post titled “Divine Discontent”.

But we were designed to struggle, to falter. It is by design.

This helps us turn to our God. This helps us strengthen our relationship with Him. To deepen our faith, to stretch ourselves and grow.

Growth is essential for our human experience. We are like a car parked in neutral if we are stagnant, unmoving, unengaged we will roll backwards. We have to be intentional with our time, we have to have purpose and energy pushing us forwards or we will roll back, at a gaining speed and crash.

I know I’ve said it a thousand times here but I want to say it again. I have such a strong belief that we were sent here on earth with our own divine, unique, individual gifts. We are meant to use these gifts to help others along the way, we have a great work to do (with Gods help).

I know I have a great work to do, this right here.

This is huge part of my story. I truly believe I have light and goodness (that has come from my maker) that I need to share with the people around me. That’s you Mommas! I have grown so much by listening to you, learning from you, and watching you learn to lift yourself up, see things differently, grow, change and do amazing work. I have watched you start feeling small and fizzled right out and as you continue to do thought work, and challenge yourself you grow into a strong, powerful, resilient, best version of yourself. It is amazing and inspiring, YOU are capable of change. You are striving to be the best version of YOU, and I am here to help.


Mom Bods

