Mom Bods

Okay momma let’s be real here. After we have the babies our bodies change.


We have thighs that touch


mommy tummies with stretch marks that we have to pull our jeans up over


jiggly arms


we have boobs that need a bra to look like boobs


When we start to think about our about we just get totally disgusted and grossed out. We are subconsciously cutting ourselves off from ALL the pleasure.


We turn away from our partner in bed


we don't want to be touched


we hide under sheets


we make sure the lights are out


We take every opportunity to avoid our imperfectly perfect bodies and naturally distance ourselves from the absolute existence of who we are!


What I want to tell you is that if you can’t embrace your body you are depriving yourself from so much goodness. From connection, from pleasure, from love and fun!


When we don’t talk kind to ourself and think that once we “reach” a certain weight, or once we have a flatter stomach or even surgically change things THEN we will have an amazing sex life.


We try so hard to change things externally thinking that will solve our internal problem of not enjoying sex or not wanting to have sex.


If you hate your body…. Here are some things you can do.


neutralize it.


That’s all I’m asking you to do, instead of being disgusted with your belly, maybe just hold some space for your body and acknowledge that you have a stomach that has carried a child or two. Make peace with the existence of your body. Allow yourself to look at your body in the mirror and say things like....


“I have human female breast’s”

"I have thighs that touch"

"I have a stretch marks"


We try to ignore our body because we think that our body is the problem. We think that our body is why we feel disgusted, we think our body is why we feel that lack of sex drive…. But it’s not true! If our thoughts create our feelings it’s not our body but our mind!!


Our mind wants us to relish in the negativity and keep the negative self talk going. We have thought so negatively about our body for so long that it has become a belief. You believe that your body is the problem!!


But I'm here to tell you that it's not. The problem is that you do not have a true intimate relationship with yourself.


Step 1- Have a relationship with yourself


Having a relationship with yourself will increase your passion and confidence so you can start enjoying all parts of your life (especially the good parts!)


If you don't know how to do that, I can show you how!


Squashed Under Overwhelm


When We Feel Small