When Your Tractor Gets Stuck In The Mud

My husband and I have been dying to go out on a date. My birthday was in July, our anniversary was the beginning of July and we’ve just put off going out on a date for one reason or another. 

We came up with a plan that once all three kids were back in school we would go out on a date, during the day! Oh man. What a change. 

The day had arrived, I got all dolled up, put on my cute new high heels and planned to leave around noon to go out for lunch. I had a couple of things to do in the office and my husband decided he would drive his tractor down to our aunt's property to do some field mowing. But we would meet back together at noon. 

At 11:53am I received a text message from my husband with three little words, “Tractor is stuck.” 

Yup. Stuck. 

So I grab my work gloves, put on my muck boot, tie up my hair and I’m on my way. I go over to my fathers house to fire up his tractor only to see it wouldn’t start. With some help we were able to jump the tractor and gas it up. I hop on the tractor and make the long trek through the woods. After crossing the highway, and heading down the field I see my sweet husband tucked behind a willow tree with his tractor wheels covered in mud. He had spent the last hour working in the blaring sun to dig mud out all around his wheels. 

We put boards under wheels, hooked chains up to the excavator bucket and maneuvered the tractor to lift the back wheels while Jeff powered the big rig back. With the help of my father, (and his excavator), my uncle and myself, we got that tractor loose. 

By the time we got all the machinery back to its home, cleaned up, and finished mowing, it was about 3pm, time for the kids to get off the bus. 

We were tired, hot, muddy, sweaty and hungry. We stopped into our local pizza place on the way home and grabbed a quick bite to eat. We ate our late lunch without too much conversation. 

I realized something profound in that experience. 

When my husband needs me, I show up. 

I don’t think twice. 

Because that’s what we do for each other. That's what our marriage is made up of. 

Our marriage is a lot of us just “showing up” for each other. It’s not always pretty, it doesn’t look like an instagram, or bachelorette magically romantic relationship. It looks muddy, messy, and strong. 

Here’s the funny thing about all of this. 

I like it this way. 

I like navigating through muddy, messy, REAL life experiences with my man. 

This is the marriage I have, because it’s the way I have chosen to show up for my spouse.

I CHOOSE everyday to be his partner. I CHOOSE everyday to be vulnerable and tell him all the embarrassing, but real and sometimes painful thoughts I live with.

I CHOOSE to connect with him in the most real and intimate way. 

It’s as though the messier and more uncomfortable situations arise the CLOSER I choose to be with him. 

I had a choice when that text message showed up. I could have been angry, frustrated and annoyed that he didn’t make our date a priority. I could have written a painful story that he doesn’t want to spend time with me. But I didn’t. I reminded myself what kind of wife I am. I reminded myself that when my husband is in need, I show up. 

I put my boots on.

I get messy. 

I do what I need to do for my man. 

Because that's the kind of woman I CHOOSE to be. 

Life is messy ladies, there are going to be so many times in your relationships where you get to choose. You choose how you respond, you choose how you show up, you get to choose what kind of love story you want to write. So make it a good one.


Learning True Belonging


Emotional Intelligence