Tell Me I’m Wrong

I’ve decided I want to believe deeply in things. Even if I could be wrong. 

Yes I know what you are thinking, stay with me on this one. 

There are only two ways of looking at beliefs because there is no way to ever know if you are right. 

We can believe, and risk being wrong. 

Or choose not to believe in anything, and never be wrong. 

That’s it. Those are our choices as a human living on planet earth. 

A belief is just a thought we have thought so many times that we can say that we believe it. It is not something we are still looking to research, or wondering about. We have decided in our mind that it is true. (For us)

I’m okay being wrong, because what I’m choosing to believe makes my life feel so right. 

Some might call me naive or gullible, every ignorant. 

But I’ll tell you why I made my choice long ago and I’m sticking to it. 

I chose to believe in God, even if everyone in the world told me I’m wrong and he doesn’t exist. Or even if there was scientific proof against it. Which honestly we could argue there is. I love science by the way, I see the hand of God in the tiniest details of science, simply magnificent. I think how could anyone not believe in God when they see the inter workings of bees and honey comb in a beehive.

BUT, I am choosing to think there is a God who created the earth we live on, who created us because it changes who I am and how I am. 

It changes who I am, or whose (that’s a word right?) I am. Yes, I know that I am a child of God. 

I know that I am from a eternal being, that I am divine. 

That I have purpose, that I wasn’t just an accident. That I am not just a scientific progression or crazy phenomenon. 

And believing in God changes how I am. If I believe that God knows me and loves me individually and has a plan for me that has a direct effect on every thing I do, every single day. It changes how I treat people, how I interact with my family.

 If I believe in God and all things from Him it gives me hope when I have despair. 

Peace when I feel conflict and angst 

Faith when doubts and fears arise 

So let me be wrong. Let me live this life that I believe in. I not only choose to believe but I WANT to believe in it. 

I LOVE believing this way. I love teaching my children about heaven, and how we are trying to become the best versions of ourself so we can return to live with God one day. 

And when our family dog dies, I can tell them that she is happy and well in heaven with all of our other deceased family members and family pets. 

And when tragedy’s occur, and wars breakout I can feel some sort of peace and know that there is good and evil in the world and its not my burden to carry alone. 

So tell me I’m wrong, but believing in this makes everything feel so right for me. 

(** Disclaimer** quick kind reminder that I love EVERYBODY and truly respect everyone and there own beliefs. There are so many wonderful things to believe in, You do NOT have to believe in God for me to love you with all that I have!)


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