Giving Our Kids Grace

We have been running non stop since we came home from Florida a few weeks ago. We get up, get moving, get the kids on the bus, school work then come home to scarf down some dinner and then head out for karate each night. We get home and its passed bed time, quickly get the kids in their jammies and read some books and head to bed. 

This morning I was dragging a bit, I came downstairs a little late and told the kids I would help them with their morning jobs. (Not something I offer very often) I fed the dog for my 6 year old, and made my 8 year olds bed. Super easy, simple things. 

They came running over to me and gave me a big hug and said ‘thank you so much mommy’. 

Tonight the roads were a bit slick from some snowfall and I decided we could take a night off from Karate. I told the boys we were going to have a snow night and stay in. 

They threw there hands up in the air and ran around saying ‘yeesssss!!!!’ And “thank you so much mom!” “Best night ever!” Such a simple thing, but meant the world to my little family. 

I sure need a night off every once in awhile and so do they. My boys were so grateful for a little grace in there day. Offering to help them get there morning jobs done so they could slow it down a bit this morning, and giving them a night off from karate. Instead we spent the duration of the evening washing dishes together, listening to oldies. And having a little jam session with my oldest on the Bass, my middle on the piano and my youngest grabbing every instrument he could pull out of the box to play at its highest volume potential. (Yikes, my ears)

I’ve promised myself I wouldn’t push myself, or my family to “Busy”. Although I always am encouraging my children to work hard and commit to any new sport or hobby they choose, sometimes we need to slow down and give ourselves and our family a little extra compassion and grace. 

Take a night off, take a deep breath. Have a day that you haven’t had in a long long time. 

Today I was home, all dayyyyy looongggg. 

I stayed in my pajamas alllll daayyyyy loonnggg. 

I had no obligations and did whatever I wanted allllll dayyyyy looonnnggg. 

Give yourself that grace that you oh so dearly need, and be generous with it in your family. 


Drowning In Life


Taking Our Best Guess As a Mom