Drowning In Life

The ocean is one of the coolest places on earth. It is on my bucket list to explore the ocean in a deep explorative way. But for now I will take my limited knowledge of the “big blue” in comparison to the relationships we have in our lives. 

I like to think about relationships like swimming in the ocean. We start above the water breathing easy, carefree enjoying the sunshine up above and then we get eager to check out whats under water. So we take a deep breath and head underwater to find something new and exciting. Maybe start a new job, or add a new baby, or maybe meet a new friend. We can only stay underwater without oxygen for so long. The longer we stay under the water away from that oxygen the more danger we could face. The higher chances we have of drowning. 

But sometimes we see something so exciting and we are so focused on getting to that beautiful sparkly thing, way, way, way out of reach. So we dive deeper and deeper and deeper. The farther we go the more risk and danger we take of not being able to make it to the surface for that great big breath of air. 

In life we can be distracted or consumed by the sparkly things at the bottom of the ocean. Sometimes we are so distracted that we forget that we need the oxygen to survive to go even deeper. 

Or that we go down to get the thing we dropped at the bottom, then come back to the top breathe in that wonderful oxygen and then head back down. Over and over again. Big breath, head down grab what we need, head back up big breath, back down again. 

That is the surest way of taking care of the things that we need without running out of oxygen and drowning in our life. 

The ocean represents our life. Full of wonderful things like hobbies, careers, family additions. Also full of challenges like death, illness, financial troubles. If we don’t come to the surface to take a breath of fresh air in between each life moment we will drown in our relationships. 

We want to come back to the surface to ground ourself, to gather ourself, to understand ourself and reconnect with why we are swimming in the first place. 

We are swimming in life because of our relationships. Our relationship is our home base. Our marriage  is the reason we are swimming in the first place, Our binding together is the reason we keep swimming to improve our life with a rewarding career, a home, children, and whatever challenges face us. 

So come up for air once in awhile. Beach yourself when you are gasping for air and on the brink of taking in water. Gather yourself and grab hold of your husband so you can deep dive to amazing, breathtaking unthinkable places!


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