Taking Our Best Guess As a Mom

I was told once that ‘nothing will be more important than what you do within the walls of your own home’. 

Because home is where we intersect with our busy children. It is the cross roads to our lives. 

With me excited and energized working on my new business and projects, my kids are engaged with there newest friends and video games, Oh and my husband with his latest purchase of a tractor and new job…. Our lives although we are “together” much of the time doesn’t always intersect. 

There must be a home base established for us to all come back to. 

For us its baseball and dinner time. 

Although we have plenty of things we do together all year in different seasons we want to be conscientious and choose something consistent. 

We take a walk in the woods together every Sunday before dinner time 

We eat dinner together (most nights) 

And of course, baseball season. 

This is our cross roads, this is our time to visit together. To check in with one another, to build, and as silly as it sounds, camaraderie. 

Yes as a family we are a team, we want to build trust, connection and camaraderie…. BUT this is where things can get interesting. 

Sometimes we build this in very unique places. We have a “thing” with each of our kids or sports is the only place where we “cross roads” with our child. Therefore, when that sport comes to an end…. Sometimes it can be difficult to find that place where we connect with our children. 

That’s why we want to be thoughtful in the consistent systems we set up as a family. We want to have a home base that can draw us all together even when we are all in different phases and seasons of life. 

The greatest goal I am working toward in regards to my family is to become the best version of myself as a mother and have an individual relationship with each one of them. I want us to love and care for each other as a family unit but I also want to have a unique relationship with each one of them. So each month my husband and I trade off and go on a date with one child. It has been such a wonderful experience because they will talk about things they wouldn’t normally when there is a gaggle of brothers together torturing each other. 

A desire for some balance of strong family togetherness and individual one on one time. 

You know the funniest part about all of this is, I don’t know what in the heck I’m doing! 

I find myself laughing at myself because truly I have no end result to share with you. I am just sharing what we are TRYING and crossing our fingers and hoping for the best. 

That’s what we do as moms (and dads) we take our best dang guess and hope for the best. I would also add be consistent. 

In all honesty, our kids are going to make there own decisions in life (which have nothing to do with us) and we get to love them all the way on up. 

So here’s to trying our darnedest and baseball season!


Giving Our Kids Grace


This is Hard But I Can Do Hard Things