All My Single Ladies

I want to sing that song “all my single ladies, all my single ladies, put your hands up”. 

Okay but lets talk. 

What does being single mean to you? 

Do you feel free and empowered to do the things you want to do and to be in a position to help all your loved ones around you? 


Do you feel like something is wrong with you because you are unmarried? You feel like you have failed in some way because you’re not married and you don’t have children? 

Which one is it? Because a lot of the women I talk to gravitate toward the second idea. 


I would love to explore that. 

The world, culture itself can make us feel that the ultimate goal is to be in a relationship, to have a family. 

But can I just offer you this thought…

You can be married and miserable. 

You can be single and miserable. 

You can be married and happy. 

You can be single and happy.. 


All of the above is true, and it all depends on what story we are telling ourselves? This is where the work begins. 

If you were here with me now telling me all the reasons why you don’t want to be single, it would eventually come down to this:

You believe that if had a partner, a family you would FEEL different. Your brain wants you to believe that something is missing. 

I’ve said this before here but I’m going to say it again. We are designed to be unsatisfied. You are going to be as unsatisfied when you die as you are today. I’ll tell you why. Because if we did reach FULL SATISFACTION if we achieved this magical place, then we would stop being a human that needs to evolve. 

So nothings wrong with you. Did you know that? What if I was to tell you that you were MEANT to be single right now. You are exactly where you are supposed to be at this very moment. Nothing has to change for you to be happy. 

Happiness is available to you right now, in your current state. Married or single, it does not matter. 

Nothing is missing except your own beautiful, unique perspective of YOU. What’s missing is your truths that you tell yourself. Your unhappy and single because subconsciously maybe even consciously there is a painful story you tie up in being single. You have told yourself that because your single, your not complete, your not loved, and not worthy. 

Lies, my friends. Ugly, nasty, blaring lies. 

You are 100% worthy of all the love. Nothing has to change. The work we can do is learning to truly, deeply and innately loving ourself right where we are. To have a deep and trusting relationship with YOU. To feel that connection to your very core so you can be the person you are meant to be. 

P.S. If you don’t know how to do that, I’m here for you. I help all women light that spark in themselves to they can feel passion and purpose in their lives. Nothing, I mean NOTHING will be more rewarding then the work we do on ourselves. And I’m here for it! If you’re interested apply HERE so we can set up a time to chat. 


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