See Good Do Good

This is my life motto. 

I’ve always been told I’m an optimist. I really don’t know enough to tell you whether people are born one or the other or if it is our choice. 

I lean towards more, that it is our choice, the way we choose to think about things. 

But I digress, I have always been good at seeing “the good”. 

Heck, I’m a hairdresser and life coach. I LOVE to see the greatest potential in hair, in a space and in people. I can see anything as it is, but more powerfully I can see what is possible for that person, space or thing. 

But what’s even more exciting than that is this opportunity to see all the good in the world. To see the blessings everywhere I turn, to see the Russian moms leave supply packed strollers for Ukraine moms, to see the little blonde haired toddler pick daffodils for a stranger, to see the selfless acts of kindness all around me and be able to multiply it. 

The more good I see around me, the more good I want to do. 

It is an incredibly, multiplying, exploding desire to do more and more. 

Most likely it is this “seek pleasure” thing that is driving my brain. But I like it! 

It feels sooooo good to love people, to see the goodness that love is doing for others and to recognize it and do more and more of it. 

This is why some people don’t like me. I’ve been told that I make them gag. I am as mushy as they come. I love love. I love goodness. I love God. 

I love seeing the light that shines so bright in my life, and even more so I love to share light and goodness with those who are in dim, dark places. 

This is my purpose, this is my desire. This is my prayer each and every morning as I watch the sun come up. 

I will continue to see good, do good in the world around me. Until the day I die. 


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