Arguing With Reality

Sometimes life just plain sucks. 

The unexpected happens and you have to do all the hard things you don’t want to do. 

You want to give up. 

You want to run away. 

You also might be flooded with all the reasons why it’s crazy and it just shouldn’t be happening. Or you wonder how in the world you’re going to get through it. 

The reality, is hard. But you know what’s even harder? 

Arguing with reality. 

This brings me to one of my favorite quotes from Byron Katie, “I realized it’s insane to oppose it. When I argue with reality, I lose-but only 100% of the time. How do I know the wind should be blow? It’s blowing!” 

Look at your life, how do you know this crazy unexpected thing should be happening? 

Because it’s happening. 

It hurts us SO SO SO much more when we try to argue with it. 

Breathe in this idea that it is SUPPOSED to be happening, that this is part of our human experience. That is is happening FOR you, not to you. 

“Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to like it… it’s just easier if you do.” -Byron Katie 

I know you’re on the express way to panic, overwhelm, and flat out losing your mind thinking about the current madness that it is your life at the moment. But just for kicks and giggles lets take a little detour, even one of those pull off spots on the highway and take a moment….

What if…. Nothing has gone wrong? Everything is exactly as it is supposed to be. This is just another one of the many things that you are destined to experience at this very moment. It is in your best interest. Do you want to just slap me across the face right now? But stay with me here. If you have any spiritual foundation at all you could understand that our human experience is designed for struggles, trials and growth. Without them, we have no purpose. 

The sooner you can embrace that, the sooner you will feel the huge capacity of grace in your own life. You will be flooded with a deep strengthening power that bears much of the burden for you. We just have to show up, breathe it in, and put in the effort to move forward. 

Mommas, Happy Mother’s Day. I hope that whatever sucky thing you have in your life you can tune into the reality that is available to you. It hurts when we argue with reality. Let it be, so you can be who you were destined to become. 

P.S. I’m really hippyish today. And I like it. 


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