Our Role As Women

In the spirit of Mother’s Day I have been thinking about women and our roles. At the old age of 33 I finally am seeing the little glimpse of the powerful, strong, nurturing women that have existed for centuries. I look around and see more and more evidence of our sex and what we stand for. 

I hope this isn’t coming off to feminist(y), but more how grateful I am to be a woman. I am proud of our gender and our role in the human existence. 

As the spiritual being that I am I think about our role in the earthy and heavenly experience. 

If God wanted everyone to act all the same and provide all the same contributions here on earth, and to act similarly in following through his plan he would have not created different genders. 

We were designed as divine beings and have unique contributions. 

I have loved to uncover some of my own unique contributions and see how my role here in my family, community and earthy experience is much different then my husbands role. And you know what? I like it. 

I don’t normally define myself as a feminist. Feminism is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities. It’s about respecting diverse women’s experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths and striving to empower all women to realize their full rights. 

I’m all about women having the rights as men. For sure. But the truth here is that we are designed to be different. And the more that I truly understand my divine role, my unique abilities, and straight up super powers the more I realize I don’t have to compete with men. Because I am sure, certain and confident in my role as the woman I am. 

When I am clear on who I am and my role, I’m not spending my time and energy trying to “out do” the man but more on how we can be seen as equals. And the divine partnership that God himself designed. 

I want to stand up proud and strong in my role as a woman, mother, wife and the business woman that I am. I have never been more proud to be a woman. 

I feel chills when I truly see that identity in myself and all the strong, powerful, nurturing women all around me. We are side by side with that hunky handsome hubby, equal sharing of equal rights, privileges and responsibilities, in heaven and on earth. 

Women have been shackled because of their very virtue, tender sympathy and patient desire for peace. 

But I can see more clearly then ever how these very virtues are ESSENTIAL in the world today. We are crucial, essential and the obvious missing piece in all of existence.  

So my dearly cherished fellow women, moms, wives and friends…… We are divine. We are unique. We are designed for so much more than cooking, cleaning and child rearing. (Although those are some of my most sacred responsibilities and not to be down played) When we truly understand our divinity and role as women here on earth our world becomes so much more grand. We aren’t caught up in petty insignificant things. We stand strong and immovable as the women we know we are. We are side by side with our husbands, with certainty, clarity and faith. 

May you relish in your own beauty and glory this day. May you see yourself as divine and virtuous woman that you are! Happiest of mother days! 


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