Husband pulls away when I Kiss Him

I gave my husband a hard time the other day, I found myself grabbing his sweet face and pulling him in to kiss him, and he looked away from my gazing eyes quite quickly, gave me a quick peck on the lips then pulled his head away to carry on with what he was doing.

This man absolutely adores me with every ounce of his being, I know this to be a fact. BUT he gets a bid fidgety when I love on him too much.

I asked him, “Why do you always turn away, pull away, or look away from me?”

He responded, “It’s uncomfortable to be loved.”

It all made sense, when he said it. But that didn’t mean I would stop loving on him. I love to love on him, to love on all my boys. I love kissing my boys until they run away from me.

Now others may experience a similar moment in time when their spouse distances themselves from their partner because they don’t want to be hugged, kissed or loved too much and they might write a painful story to go along with it. Such as, “they just don’t love me anymore” or “they don’t want me to kiss them”.

Not me. I know this truth, I know it can be uncomfortable to be loved but that doesn’t stop me from loving, so very deeply.

Byron Katie says “I’m going to love you, and there is nothing you can do about it!”

This week was one of my rough ones. The ones where you have to absolutely push yourself, and pull yourself to get out of bed in the morning. The kind of week that the thought of going out of the house and having to put the kids in their car seats seems like a marathon and utterly exhausting.

Yeah, it was that kind of week.

When I was really down, and sulking, I looked at Jeff and asked, “why don’t you ever get down like this?”

He responded with this, “Honey, you ride the roller coaster, and I’m just even keeled.”

He is totally, absolutely, a 100% right. I sure do ride the roller coaster, one moment I’m at the highest high, giddy, silly, having a blast and at the next moment I’m sad, down, and miserable.

That has been such a blessing in our marriage because when I am at my lowest lows he can bring me up right to the middle, and when I am at my highest highs I can bring him up to see some of the light a bit more.

We fit together, in a strange way.


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