Team Sann

It took us a loonnggg time to figure out how we team up to take on life together. ESPECIALLY after three little humans made there appearance in our lives. 

Who would do the dishes? Who would pay the bills? The garbage? But more importantly how would we navigate together, side by side carrying the weight of a home, and family. 

I am very fluent in what NOT to do. 

Criticizing family members until they begrudgingly do something you want 

stressing myself out until I’m a ball of stress and steering clear of any possibility of “connecting” with my partner 

or frankly just bossing my husband around and acting like a total martyr 

Walking around convinced I do absolutely everything and I can’t take it anymore (even though I never verbalized or asked for any help whatsoever) 

I just was convinced I was doing it all. And that I had no other choice. 

But then we came to a tipping point…. 

Something had to change. 

What changed was me, I realized that if we were going to navigate through life being outnumbered by three little humans and three big dogs we would have to be stronger than ever, together. 

That’s when Team Sann emerged.


Control Decays Love


Overwhelmed Mommas