Commitment Changes
I’m a girl who lives “all in”. When I decide to do something I commit myself to the process.
You can see it in my work
My spiritual convictions
My marriage.
When studying this morning I learned a bit more about the word “Abide”. They use the word Abide many times in scriptures. Abide translated in Spanish means, “permaneced en mi” which translates “to remain, to stay,” but if you look at the root cognate there of “permanence.” The sense of this then is “stay-but stay forever.”
Come, but come to remain. Come with conviction and endurance. I love to apply this to a relationship. Showing up in your marriage with this commitment to stay forever.
Let’s dive into this thought for a moment, “This is a process and I am committed to the process.”
When we think this thought we feel totally committed and curious! When we feel committed we take actions to trust, evolve, test things, set up and see what is working, we pivot.
When we do those things we learn, evaluate and apply.
It totally changes how we look at our relationship when we know we are together forever. But why wouldn’t we dive in like this?
We don’t commit because we don’t trust ourselves enough to have our own back. That no matter what happens we trust ourselves to know were going to be okay. Our brain HATES commitment, it doesn’t want to do hard things, and commitment is signing right up for ALL the hard things.
When we are committed we fear loss. We fear failure. We fear heartbreak. Or that we made a wrong choice.
When we aren’t committed we start pulling ourself away. We start creating distance between us and whatever we haven’t committed to.
There is no advantage to not committing. When you aren’t committed you have nothing to lose because you haven’t gained anything.
When we commit we change. We can see the end from the beginning and it changes how we do EVERYTHING.