You’re Doing Enough
Oh the irony.
Maybe I am writing to myself today. But here is the reminder that what i'm doing is more than enough. Who determines what I'm doing is "enough"? I just thought that once all the to do lists were done, or once I checked all the boxes of big achievements like having a career, getting married (to a hunky handsome guy), adopting a cute dog from an animal shelter, buying a home, having babies.... I assumed when all those things were completed..... that would mean that I did "enough". I thought magically once I "arrived" to this place I would feel accomplished or successful.
But here I am, with all those things done....
And I don't feel like I am enough.
I don't feel like I am doing enough in my coaching business, or spending enough time with my kids. I don't think my house is clean enough, or that I'm organized enough. I remind myself all the time that we don't have enough money, or that I'm doing enough for my marriage.
So when will I feel like I am enough? I looked up the definition of enough which is: To the required degree or extent. Well I decided that I am plenty (hahah my husband would agree) I am absolutely enough right where I am. Thinking I am not enough does not serve me, it causes me to feel discouraged and makes me want to do less and less because I believe I'll never be enough or do enough. That thought doesn't serve me!
I am enough, I'm plenty (in the words of my husband). What about you?