Know Your Truth, Speak It Well
How does one define that?
According to the dictionary it is: the quality or state of being true.
How do you know what’s true for you?
Or better yet, How do we know when your going against ‘ your truth’?
You can FEEL off, when you're not representing your truth, or living by it.
When you just go along with what other people say, or what society tells us.
Goodness, I feel so philosophical right now. But I see life with such different glasses. I don’t see life in such black and white anymore. I see a little more gray. I decided I like gray.
Especially in my home, I mean come on what woman doesn’t love gray walls with white molding right now?
But I’m beginning to find my truth in every detail and facet of my life. What that means to me is checking in with myself, seeing how things feel in my body and being true to myself.
For example, It’s your job as the mom to make dinner for your family every night.
It’s your responsibility, it falls on your shoulders.
Maybe you’ve been told this your whole life or just seen this modeled for you.
So you believe that it is truth. That should be the way it is. And if it’s not the case, you're doing something wrong.
But my truth. When I check in with myself and really think about what it is that I believe…. It’s something different.
My truth is that I believe being a working mom, that my husband and I are equal partners when it comes to dinner time and we should share the meal responsibility.
My truth is that I can ask my husband if he could take on the grocery shopping responsibility and take care of dinners the nights I work.
My truth is when I go to my ooey gooey core and check in with myself and decide what it is that feels right to me, and then I speak that truth.
And guess what, the truth feels good. It feels aligned, it feels centering, and peaceful.
Maybe a bit uncomfortable for a moment, but I can overlook that discomfort because I’m being true to myself. I’m centering myself, and that trumps everything!
When we create this space for yourself to explore yourself, love yourself and have enough confidence to create this space we can speak our truth and love our family so incredibly much more.
This is the space I love to live in. It feels so grounded, authentic and real.