Love And Lose

I have a theory. Well maybe it’s more of a mathematical equation but here it is:

Love yourself + Love your husband = lose weight and feel great

This is my life. This is my story. I truly believe this is the sequential order of events. I learned to love myself, very deeply. I learned to trust myself and accept myself as I am. I learned who I am. I became more of myself. And the more I did that the more I leaned into my marriage and loved so incredibly fiercely. I loved with passion and purpose. I learned to or maybe yearned for is a better word, yes much better. I yearned for more fireworks in the bedroom and deeper connection in our marriage. I depended on my husband but in a powerful and grand way. Not a needy and juvenile way. We became stronger. I felt safer, securer (is that a word?). I was ALLLL IN!

And through that process I found myself losing weight, naturally, organically, lovingly. I loved my body, I loved myself, I loved my husband and I loved my marriage, and all those things led me to a place where I wasn’t constantly overeating, consuming ice cream and candy because I couldn’t deal with life.

I was relaxed, I felt alive, I felt great.

The more we love, the more we lose.

The more we hold back, distance, struggle, the more we gain. We fall into this never ending cycle of frustration, overeating, guilt, overeating, frustration, so on and so forth.

Break the cycle, prioritize the beginning of your new journey.

Learn to love yourself. Love to love yourself.

When we love ourself, when we depend on ourself FIRST to feel all the love and beliefs we need to feel about ourself we don’t seek it from our partner in a desperate, anxiety producing way. We feel secure in ourself, secure in our body.

So guess what, it makes sex fabulous. It makes your marriage spectacular and life unspeakable!

So get out your calculator and start to do the math. What’s your formula, and what does it equal? It’s okay if it’s not a great answer. Math is great because it has a step by step formula. That’s why I love math and cooking. I love following a sequential order, a process, a recipe. I don’t have to guess, It’s all right there in its very orderly, analytically produced numbers and amounts.


Love yourself + Love your husband = lose weight and feel great

This is the premise for my 20 week coaching program where I help mommas reignite the spark in themselves so they can create more passion in their marriage. (and naturally and organically lose weight because they feel great!)

Okay so we have the equation, we know the result, we even have a tutor to walk you through. What are you waiting for?

Love and lose my friend!


Save Yourself Before Your Marriage


How To Feel The Love