How To Feel The Love

I’m feeling all the love today.

Wednesday my husband got home from work, grabbed my keys pulled my car into the garage and changed the oil.

Thursday my husband stopped by my workplace and dropped off a subway sub (Tuna with banana peppers my favorite) unannounced.

Friday I had to work late and my husband took my broken, unusable iPhone to Best Buy to have it fixed.

This is love my friends.

This is what we as human beings quickly glance over thinking this should just be.

We live in a world that believe that love looks like romantic gestures with rose petals, chocolates and sexy dinner dates. (Have you ever seen the bachelor, man that gets me thinking I’ve got all this wrong)

Love is in the simple.

Love is in the everyday acts of kindness.

Love is taking the garbage out.

Love is handing your partner a towel when they are getting out of the shower.

Love is sneaking a quick kiss when no one is looking.

Love is helping your partner clean up dog poo on the carpet.

Love is everywhere.

Love is always available, you know why? Because WE get to decide what love is. We get to decide how we want to think about it and how we determine its worth.

We write the story of what “counts” in our love language.

So if you are writing a crappy love story, stop. Just, stop.

Write about all the things he does for you. Write about how you first met, and what you loved about your young love together. Write about how sexy he is and how you can’t keep your hands off him. Yeah, definitely write about that.

Make it one of those scandalous novels.

Okay but really. Write your love story anyway you want. Make it a comedy, or a romance novel. And DEFINETLY write it with a happy ending.

This is your love story, this is your life. The charachters do NOT have to change for you to have an exciting, thrilling, passionate story. There might be some work to do, but all wonderful things in life take work. Look at parenting for example. Parenting is the most difficult thing I have ever done. But it’s all worth it. They are worth it. You are worth it. And that hunky, handsome, sexy husband you have is worth it too.

Get out there, write your story, and if you don’t know how I am here, chief editor and master of all lovers, here I am and I am here for YOU!


Love And Lose


Really Good At Failure