Really Good At Failure

This is new for me but I’m sharing anyways.

I’m really good at failure, I mean like really good.

I’m good at recognizing it.

I’m good at feeling it.

I’m good at celebrating it.

Sometimes we spend our whole life trying to avoid failure, that we fail more.

No, really. Stay with me here.

We are so scared of failing in a relationship that we don’t even put ourself out there. Or we don’t go “all in” and love to our fullest capacity because we are scared of it ending.

We are so scared of failing in a new exercise or weight loss program that we don’t even start.

We are so scared of starting a new career or new job, so guess what… we don’t start.

We are so scared of starting that business that we’ve always dreamed about and have passion for but guess what, fear of failure kicks in and we never try.

But what if you were good at failing? What if you learned how to feel it? And realized it was just a feeling?

Did you know failure is just a feeling?

Did you know that you are afraid of feeling a feeling?

Did you know that, THAT is why your not living your best life?

Well its true.

It sucks, but its true.

But its the best news ever because now you know it, it’s not so scary.

Once we have a relationship with ourself and learn to feel failure. The possibilities in life are absolutely, 1,0000000000000000000904390294032940329094% endless. You can do anything when you’re not afraid to fail.

Me and my girlfriends from The Life Coach School came up with this amazing concept. We call it the #failjar. Yes it’s a jar, and we put our fails in it. It sits on my desk and every time I have a fail in my coaching business, hair business, mom life, wife life I PUT IT IN! I write it down on a post-it smoosh it up and put it in my fail jar.

I celebrate them. I learn from them. I feel them.

Celebrating fails boomerangs us into our next best self. It creates a growth mindset. A brain that is okay with making mistakes and eager to learn from them.

This is the thing the world doesn’t teach us. The world teaches us when we make a mistake, we should throw in the towel. Be done. Give up. Not good enough.

But I say, Fail, fail and fail some more. The more you fail the more you learn how to succeed. The woman with the most fails in life WITH a growth mindset, she is the one who is going ALLLLL THHHHEEEE WAYYYY!!! This is the momma that is powerful, unstoppable and ready to fly. This is the momma who doesn’t let life get her down. This is the momma who embraces mistakes, messes and real ugly and authentic life. This is the momma who teaches her children that its okay to make mistakes, life should be full of them! This is the new YOU. You are this momma, you can learn these skills. You can be the unstoppable, full throttle, authentic, failing YOU and love it!


How To Feel The Love


Light that Spark (in yourself)