Organize Time Edition

How to get it all done. 

Okay that’s a lie. We can’t get it ALL done that’s the whole point. So how can we get done the things that “need” to get done. Well that would mean we would have to be really really clear what “needs” to be done and why.

I like this idea better….

How to organize your time to do the things you want in your life!

Yes, that’s what I want. To do what I want.

So why don’t we do the things we want? I’ll tell you why because we don’t know how to say no.

Well that’s not true, saying no is pretty simple, it goes a lot like this.


What we think is hard is what the other person is going to think about the fact that we said no, or the thought that we are going to feel bad or guilty for saying no.

So instead we pile on all the things we don’t want to do with our time that makes it absolutely impossible to do the things we WANT to do. All while telling everyone we are so “busy”.

Okay here is the hard truth.

You're not busy, you’re just afraid to say no.

Oh and it’s not that you’ll ever be able to do what you need and want, it’s that you haven’t actually decided on what that truly is!

Before my training as a life coach I was the queen of To Do lists. Everything that I ever thought should be done went on that never ending list. And you know what I felt…. Completely devastatingly overwhelmed.

Every day.

You know why? Because I never finished the list. I kept adding things to it and kept crossing things off but I always thought if I finished the list THEN I could do what I actually wanted!

Then I could actually do what I wanted!

What did I want? Oooooo that was a whole head scratching moment for me.

I didn’t really know. I was just convinced that I would never be able to do it.

After a couple of weeks I started remembering the things I was after in my life.

I want to take walks in the woods with my dog

I want to go to the gym

I want to refinish a dresser and shop for a new painting

I want to play legos with my boys

I want to have a date night with my husband

I want to snuggle up with my boys and read books together

I want to go get my nails done with my sister

I want to eat icecream and watch The Book of Boba Fett on Disney plus (total Star Wars Nerd)

Those are the things I WANT to do. But impossible when I can’t strip away everything else on my to do list.

Or I did those things feeling totally guilty or stressed because I thought I should be working on my To Do list.

That’s when I developed my three step system to simplify my life so I could do the things I want with my limited time as a working mom.

Yes! I totally put my crazy chasing the dollar and crossing to do lister life on a big ol’ hault.

I hollered SSSTTOOPPP!!!!!!

I had an awakening moment with myself so that we(me myself and I) could decide what it really is that we want in our life.

After we get really clear about what that is (and of course write it down.)

Then we Edit (Aka delete) everything else. Yup. That means maybe we don’t go do that play date with that friend, or say no to your 6 year olds friend's birthday party this Saturday. Or no you won’t be able to bring Christmas cupcakes for your kindergarteners Holiday party for school.

Unless you want to.

As soon as you allow yourself a choice, and decide if you want to or not. Then the magic happens.

I don’t do anything, or go anywhere unless I want to. (Exceptions maybe funerals)

Yup. That’s right. And I’ll tell you why.

When I go to a family event that I don’t really want to be at, it’s not good. I’m grumpy because I feel like I “have” to be there and I definitely am not bringing my best self. And it’s not fair to the people I am seeing. Sometimes I even blame them for hosting an event! I think jeezz why are they having this party? Couldn’t they do it on a different weekend? Or why in the world did they schedule it for 10am on a Saturday???

No, instead I only go to things I want to go to AND then I bring my best self! I’m excited to go and look forward to it all week and have a wonderful time!

Doesn’t that sound so much better then dragging ourselves to everything and doing everything we DON'T want to do???

Instead we decide what we want to do, edit everything else and enjoy!!!

Yes that’s it:




Three simple words that will change the way you look at EVERYTHING! These words are your ticket out of your miserable life like mine.

I used to use the word “busy” all the time. I would run into someone I hadn’t seen in awhile and they would ask how I’m going and i would say, “yeah oh I’ve been so busy” or “it’s been such a busy couple of weeks”

I’m starting a reformation. I hate it. Why do we brag about being busy??? Are we just trying to justify the fact that we are so occupied in our lives and that’s why we are not doing what we actually “need” or “want” to do.

I’m telling you right now…. I am NOT busy.

I’m just a mom, living her best (craziest, upside down, 50/50) life!


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