Problem Solving Mode

You know when you can’t remember a word and you try so so hard to remember it… and it’s just on the tip of your tongue. But nothing?  

And then as soon as you stop thinking about it, it comes to you? 

That’s because we're not actually accessing our decision making portion of our brain when we are trying to find a word on the tip of our tongue BECAUSE we are frustrated. 

As soon as a negative emotion steps in we’ve lost our ability to access our higher brain because we’re trying to deal with feelings. 

Here’s why I’m telling you this. 

I see my clients putting out fires all day long. Trying to remember what they are supposed to do today, but come up blank. They are just going through their life haphazardly. Just having life “happen” to them. They don’t decide ahead of time what they want to do and why they want to do it. 

They just wake up and start putting out fires. 

Take the kid where they want to go here. 

Clean the mess up over there. 

Put money in the withdrawn account way over there. 

Run a forgotten book bag back over here. 

All of your time gets swallowed up, and at the end of the day you think, “What the heck! I didn’t get to do anything I wanted to do.” 

That my friend is living a haphazard life. 

It is the complete opposite of INTENTIONAL. 

It’s unintentional. 

You know how you have money in the bank, and then the next time you go to buy something it’s all gone? 


That’s being unintentional with your money. 

The same thing happens with our time. 

If we don’t decide ahead of time WHAT we WANT, and WHY…. our time just disappears. 

With your time, and your money….. Goes your life? 


If you don’t decide what you want to do with your time, and what you want to do with your money… life just happens. 

And you don’t like it. 

What if you accessed your decision making portion of your brain ALL THE TIME? What if you knew exactly what you wanted, and why… AND did it with pizazzz…. Excitement… purpose and passion? 

That would be pretty sweet right? 

Put the fire extinguisher away. Take a second look at you, and what you want so you can create it. You need to create a space to do this, an opportunity for you to shine that light on you. Take a look, make a change, and create that intentional life that you absolutely LOVE! Let’s do it!


Waiting For That Wedding Ring


Marriage Rituals