Sad, Mad, Or Just Pissed Off

No one teaches us how to “feel”. That being said we develop coping mechanisms, that unfortunately create a lot of trouble in our life. 

Like how to “punish” people when we are mad by refusing to talk, 

or disconnecting ourself from the people we love because we just can’t stinkin’ deal with it

maybe you’ve learned to find pleasure in other places….hello ice cream and Facebook!

We learn to ignore the real issue. Which is, we don’t know how to feel. 

Here’s the thing, there are three things we can do with these “Big Emotions”. We can fight them, flight from them, or FEEL them. 

You’re pretty familiar with fighting, and fleeing… Am I right?

But what about feel? Here’s a little 5 step method, as you begin to learn the ability to feel. It’s called the STOP method and it’s a acronym. (Don’t you love a good acronym, helps me remember!) 

S- Slow down, step away

Let’s be honest when you are in the heat of the moment you don’t have the time and options to be able to process. So we give ourselves time (maybe at the end of the day when the kids are in bed) to process. 

T- Take Control 

This is when we take over our brain and take inventory of our thoughts, our feelings, all of it. We take ownership over what has been created and start to slow down things so we can process.

O- Observe

This is when we get out of our head a bit and into our body. We stop thinking so much about why we feel sad, mad, frustrated or just pissed off. And start thinking about what it “feels” like. Whats happening in your body? Where is the emotion manifesting?

P- Process

Did you know it only takes 90 seconds to process an emotion? I love knowing this scientific truth because it brings me a little peace. Give yourself literally 90 seconds to “feel”. For everyone of my clients they process emotions differently. Some of my clients like to write things down, some of my clients like to close there eyes and tune into their body, some just sit and stare at the wall. Whatever you need to do, to let it come and pass through you.

So here’s the thing, for anyone who wants to create SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE in your life… This is where it all begins. 

You’ve tried yelling, screaming, eating your way out of it… and I know because I’ve been there…. It’s not working is it? 

If you really want to get out of the miserable funk your in then you should know that processing emotions is possible for you. You are capable of creating this ever so irresistible change in your life. 

Feeling… is my specialty. Come to me. Bring it all!

If this resonates with you, click here for a FREE relationship evaluation call… whatcha got to lose!? 

I love you my sweet Mommas, so so so very much!


Relationship & Life Coach


Generating Love


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