Generating Love

Have you seen in the movies when the young girl gets home from a magical date with the man she’s falling in love with and flops on her bed hugging a pillow and lets out a big sigh?

I always thought that was so silly and corny. But i’ve got to be honest with you I’ve had these same experiences in my life.

I remember one night especially. It was the evening after my first co-ed formal dance I was allowed to attend. I couldn’t wait to go home and lay in my bed and replay every interaction I had with my date, everything we said, and the way he looked at me. I was so full of butterflies, and excitement, my body was engulfed in so much love.

The other night my husband and I were just laying in bed and he reached over with his hand and just interlocked his fingers in mine. My eyes were shut, and I instantly felt an overwhelming amount of love. I stayed there in the moment with my eyes closed, letting the feeling of love manifest in my body. It took right over, and it felt absolutely amazing.

I know you all think I’m so corny, and that is because well, frankly I just am. But I absolutely love to feel love. It is the most amazing of all the emotions one could EVER feel.

But that was the first time, that I recognized what it was I was feeling, and I shut my eyes and allowed myself to feel it. I observed how it effected my body when I tuned into it. I took ownership of what happened in my body, and focused on it so I could feel it more.

That was a moment I will never forget. I want to at any minute be able to tune back to that moment to allow my brain to replay that so I can feel it.

That is what is so interesting about our lower brain, it doesn’t know the difference between “live” footage, and reliving a moment in a memory. We can access any memory, any moment and feel any emotion.

Here’s the beauty of this….when we learn to be intentional about what we want to feel. We take full ownership of what kind of emotions we generate in our lives. Generating our emotions = power. That is one of the most empowering opportunities you could ever access. If you know how to create your emotions, on purpose…. that’s everything. That empowers you to create whatever the HECK you want in your life. When you generate love, confidence, certainty, and abundance in your life. You’ve just hit the jackpot. You’ve learned the secret to life. That is when the magic happens….. learn to feel the love. Learn to create it…. the rest is history.


“I didn’t have fun Mommy.”


Sad, Mad, Or Just Pissed Off