Who Am I?

All of my clients come to me because they don’t know the answer to this question.

We are kinda like Maui in the movie Moana. Because we are shapeshifters. Yes, we have learned to adapt, change, develop into different things depending on the needs of those around us.

It started when you were a kid, to gain the approval of your parents you would change your behavior. You noticed your sister or brother got more or less attention based on what they were doing so you would either become more like them or less like them.

Then you got married. To gain more love or attention (or so you thought) you began to behave differently, you started showing more interest in the interests of your spouse, and you started to do things based on what you believed a spouse or wife should do.

All cultural belief systems began to knock on your mind and you shapeshifted once again into what you believed a wife “should” be.

And we don’t even have time to get into what happened after you became a mother… you could take a couple of guesses.

So now you’ve attempted to make everyone around you happy, your parents, your spouse, and your kids. (Oh and every watchful eye around you)

And you’re lost.

You have no idea who you are anymore. You’ve spent so much energy, so much time shifting into different things to please others, and now you are miserable.

Here’s the thing.

This is normal.

We get to a point in our life where (I believe) we are destined to hit our “misery point”. Thats a beautiful place because its the beginning of us finding out who we are again.

It motivates us to find ourself, to learn about ourself, to love ourself once again.

It’s ecstasy, really.

We light that spark in ourself, we begin to make self discoveries and magic happens.

We then dive into our once lost passions, we feel purpose, wonder, and beauty all around us.

We see things with this “growth mindset”. Everything is an opportunity for learning and for growth.

  1. hit rock bottom- meet your cranky mom self

  2. desire more in life

  3. light that spark in ourself- by discovering who we are

  4. feel passion, purpose and desires…..

  5. shapeshift into the next best version of YOU, FOR YOU (and no one else)

This is the work I do with my clients, I normally meet you at step 1/2… that’s where it all starts.

As we continue to help you discover who you are, you build up this intoxicating momentum…… you continue to learn, grow (and fall) but you’re so energized by your rediscovered self it doesn’t matter when you falter. You know who you are, you understand that challenges are PART of this journey together. You love yourself through it, you have your own back, you boomerang yourself into the divine, powerful, passionate role you’ve always dreamed of playing. And I’m here for it.


Sad, Mad, Or Just Pissed Off


People Who Don’t Like You