People Who Don’t Like You

What do you make it mean if someone doesn’t like you?

Many times it can be so profoundly devastating to you when you hear through the grapevine that someone doesn’t like you.

But why?

It’s because as humans we are designed to desire to be included. Yes, it is in our DNA as a human. We are designed to be part of a tribe, or community. Thousands of years ago it was absolutely essential to our survival.

We desire to be liked.

Therefore when we are not liked, it is devastating.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Because guess what, there’s people you don’t like am I right? And if people don’t like you, it really makes no difference.

But there is a BIG. RED. FLAG. that goes off in our brain when we find out someone doesn’t like us, or better yet we THINK someone doesn’t like us. (It’s all the same in our brain)

Our primal brain, our lower brain marks that off as VERY IMPORTANT, it categorizes it as top priority because there is an opportunity for us to be disowned, dismissed, or shunned from our community.

Which would mean that our chances of survival our lower.

But guess what, Today people can NOT like you, and you will survive. I promise.

This tidbit of information is life changing to us, because we can remind ourself when we show up to a family event, sporting game, or any social gathering and we see people talking about us…. it’s not important.

It really doesn’t matter if people don’t like us. It isn’t critical for our survival. It’s actually very liberating when you stop caring what people think about you. When you start to look inward to see what YOU feel about yourself. If we are constantly seeking validation, and approval from our family, friends and even strangers we are set up for failure.

“Amazing things happen when you stop seeking validation and approval: You find it.” -Mandy Hale

When you stop paying attention to those people who possibly don’t like you (Sorry to say but a lot of times it’s just we THINK they don’t like us) you start to give yourself that validation and approval you have so desperately sought after over your life time.


So Momma, let people not like you. Stop making it mean anything. YOU are the only one who needs to give yourself approval and validation. Do it, and love it. You’ll find as soon as you make that switch, you become your own favorite kind of person. And to be honest with you, naturally others are drawn to YOU!

We all want to be loved just as we are, we all seek after approval, give it to yourself first, then see what happens!


Who Am I?


The Last Stretch Of School