The Last Stretch Of School

The last few weeks haven’t been my greatest weeks.

It’s the end of the school year, and I am dog gone tired. It’s been the never ending marathon of school events and I’m over it.

I’ve lost myself the last couple of weeks.

I’ve been so focused on making sure everything is done for each and every child, event, game, party etc that I haven’t left anytime for my sanity.

And it’s showing.

When I neglect the things I love to do, when I push those things aside. I lose myself.

Then I’m miserable, and wonder why.

I hate this concept, “When this is over then I’ll be able to relax”.

But I’m living it. I keep saying, “We’re almost there”. “Just a few more days, then it will be better.”


There will always be a reason it could be better.

My objective is to look at the last few weeks and decide what I can do differently next year so I can ENJOY more of these experiences.

Because I felt like I wasn’t present, I wasn’t available because I was just trying to ‘get through’.

The field trips, class picnics, graduations….. kinda a blur for me.

Ugh. I hate to admit it, but it’s true.

All of my work has been turned upside down and inside out. I’ve moved all my clients around trying to accommodate to the schedule so I could be at everything.

But why?

Did I do it because I wanted to? Or more because I was afraid I would have felt guilty if I couldn’t make everything?

Hmmm maybe a little of both?

Looking ahead, what could I do to make it more of an enjoyable experience for me and my kids? (Oh my hubby too!)

Maybe this is when some delegation powers could come into play? Maybe an auntie or grandparent would love to chaperone a field trip?

Maybe I could have taken some time off from work to be more present?

Maybe I could have just picked one event per child to attend? So I could give more attention to that one event, opposed to going to all of them and just being “there”.

I talk through these experiences because I want you to know you have options. We don’t have to do it all. I repeat. We don’t have to do it all.

Sometimes we tell ourselves we do, actually all the time, but it just ain’t true momma!

Stay sane, give yourself realistic expectations, don’t set yourself up for failure, don’t self sabotage like I do, just to avoid feeling guilty.

Make a decision from your higher thinking, have your own back, learn to feel guilt, and move forward momma!


People Who Don’t Like You


Letting Go Of The Past