Serving Future Me

Yesterday I did something difficult. I made a decision based on what was best for future me.

Us humans we sometimes live in the here and now. We do things very one dimensional. We see things very flatly. We don’t want someone to be upset with us, so we make a decision based on that. Or we don’t want to deal with feeling bad so we make decisions based on that.

We can be a bit sheepish when it comes to decision making.

You know what’s so interesting is that EVERYTHING we do is emotion based. We  do something because we are seeking to feel good, or we do something because we are trying to avoid feeling bad.

But the interesting part here is, that way of thinking is a very immediate response. We are avoiding feeling bad, or want to feel good to serve the “now” version of you.

But when we take a step back and ask ourself, “What is best for the future me?” You normally will get a different answer.

When we are serving future self, and love our self enough to think that way we have to do some tough stuff. That’s normally when we stand up for ourself, we learn our truth and then speak it. And we are okay doing it because we love ourself enough to do it.

Sometimes we have to leave something good for something better. But thinking that way is gifting our future self something better. And we ALL deserve better in our future.

I’ll tell you what happens when we don’t. When we constantly are serving the here and now we become bitter, resentful, frustrated and even angry.

We’re mad at everybody else (because we want to blame others for how we feel) because we aren’t giving our future self what it needs and wants.

Mommas, take a moment, think through what your “truth” is, and learn to have your back enough to speak it. Think about what future you would want you to do. What serves you and your family in this moment and what serves you better in the times ahead? Answer it, and do it. As always mommas, you got this!


Mental Clarity


Blame & Excuses